Dark Intentions

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Lisa's PoV

The night was deep like it was also crying and weeping with the loss of a good man and a good wolf. The bugs buzz like crazy and normal wolves were howling with sadness like they were aware of that just happened. As living things went wild the wilderness is silent as dead. His trails were hard to track and there were no scent of him going this way. 

Lucas and Marcus was also frantic. Sniffing like crazy and running around looking for a clue as to where he was going. We watched him how his wolf died. The wolf that always captivate me, the ash colored wolf with small traces of red stripes along his body. He was not ragged and barbaric looking much more like a royalty. Neat and classy furs and a fair build of muscles. His wolf cried like no tomorrow. It was standing tall until his last moments. As the furs fell from his body, his wolf continued to how sadly. I cried as the sight in front of me was unbearable. He was innocent, he just followed how he was suppose to do when someone find his mate. It is all the fault of that heartless Alpha which I respect the most before this all happened.

She was a good leader. Always composed and firm on her decisions, always being perfect and put the pack's well being first but this time those actions were despicable in my eyes. Kenneth has always been close to me. He was more than a brother for me but I know its different for him, He always considered me as his adorable sister. He always talks how he would propose when he finds his mate. Always being a love stuck persona and being a girl when he talks how she anticipate the event. Always planning how to make her blush when the time comes, being corny and sweet but a bit dumb was always the things I like about him. 

How I wish I was his mate instead......

Earlier, we officially became rouges. I feared it at first but after deciding and talking about Lucas and Marcus about it, I was prepared for every harsh obstacle we will stumble in the wild. I heard rouges were harsh and merciless but we wont be like them. We will always be together from now on. wait for us Kenneth, We will be with you until the end of our times. 

The events earlier made me hate pack's life. I regret not having the chance to talk about my Mom and Dad about the decision I made but I know they will understand it. They also cried during the event when Kenneth was purged. My mom kept on clinging to my dad for dear life. Like me, she was not able to stomach seeing Kenneth like that, hearing his screams of agony while being purged. Not like me who was dumb founded as his furs fell one by one and kept screaming until my throats dried. She hid her face in my dad's chest and covered her ears. I can understand it though. Its sickening to watch a love one in agony. 

As the seconds pass by we all grew more worried. Kenneth got no power left, not even his wealth can help him out in this situation, losing a mate is like a death penalty to the one that was rejected. Somehow Lucas went back to me to tell that he found some of Kenneth's blood stains. We followed it and reunite with Marcus along the way using our mind link. We followed it as fast as we can. We shifted and ran deeper in the forest of our territory. 

Little did we know, we were out of the borders in no time. We just continued to follow the stains along the road. Every second passing was like a torture to me. What if something happened to him already? Is he safe? Where is he heading? Does he realize he was outside the borders already? These thoughts tortured my mind endlessly as tears started to fall from my eyes. Marcus and Lucas will always look back at me, comforting me and saying reassuring me that everything will work out fine. That we will find Kenneth and we will be with him and create our own little pack. 

When we were far enough from the territory, we grew more anxious. We hurried and went faster following the stains. Then after a few minutes of following, we saw him went inside an unexplored territory that no one has claimed. Many rumors float about that place, that no one has manage to get out of there even many has dared to enter it a few times already. I ran as fast as I can and called him as loud as I can. He was not flinching or looking back. He just walked in like it was a playground for kids. 

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