M. W. Best Friends & Boyfriends (gn)💜

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Steve is glad reader is dating Mike and not some other rude boy or girl. However, he can't help but feel a little sad that the two of you aren't hanging out anymore. Though the thing is, Steve's only getting a slight taste of his own medicine.
Swearing, family angst, family issues, making out, platonic slightly jealous Steve, Mike might
be ooc sorry, yes that is Elumax you smell
Length: 1.4k

You and Mike were dating. The two of you were attached at the hip almost all of the time. Your relationship was completely innocent and pure with the two of you dancing around your room and singing. At least, that's what Steve thought since he didn't see the make out sessions that happened in Mikes room.

Mike isn't stupid. He knows Steve likes him and trusts him. He also knows he's one of Steve's 'children'. That's why he insists the two of you play it really safe whenever the two of you are at your house and Steve is there. Your parents are rarely around so you don't really need to worry about them. At least they seem to approve of Mike. Rich family, nice parents, smart kids, the Wheelers were exactly the type of family your parents want you to marry into.

However, the Wheelers house was a completely different story. Mike and you would be home alone a lot of the time at his house since Ted would have work, Nancy's busy with something or other, and Karen would be out running errands with Holly. That meant you two were free to do whatever you pleased. And it was usually much less innocent than dancing and singing. You and Mike would usually be on his bed making out or in the basement on the couch making out. You both like how you hang out at one house and then pretty much just make out at the other one. It works pretty well actually since you two get quality time and well, make out sessions. But this also means you two are CONSTANTLY hanging out.

When you and Mike aren't hanging out with each other, you're hanging out with the party too. Definitely a lot of movie dates with El, Lucas, and Max. Dustin and Will sometimes have to 6th&7th wheel together unfortunately for them.

But all your hanging out with the party and Mike means you are barely spending a fraction of your time with your poor older brother. Steve and you used to be best friends, especially when you were younger. He was easily your best guy friend, but now he was replaced with Mike. You and Steve spent time together at family dinner and that was just about it. Even when you weren't hanging out with Mike or the party you were usually on the phone or the walkie-talkie with any of them, especially Mike.

Whenever Steve asked if you wanted to hang out, just go down to the arcade or whatever you couldn't. He pretended to be okay with it. He was very glad that you WERE hanging out with the party since they're such good kids. But he wished you were spending more time with him. Then one day he decided enough was enough.

You and Mike were in your room, home alone. Since the two of you were home alone that meant you were, naturally, making out. Mike had his hands on your face, trying to pull you impossibly closer. You moved closer to straddle him, your hands in his hair. You broke apart gasping for air. Then you heard Steve downstairs. "Shit," you both swore.

"Grab my comics!" You hissed at him quietly. He scrambled as quietly as possible off your bed to grab the comics off of your bookshelf. He threw a random one at you before grabbing the rest and hopping back on to your bed. You had raced off your bed to open the door and put your radio on, though quiet enough whoever was home now wouldn't be able to hear it until they got closer. You both were safely situated on your bed, reading comics when Steve walked in.

"Hey- oh. Hi, Mike. When did you get here?" Steve greeted.

"Hey Steve, I like, just got here," Mike lied. He had been at your house for almost an hour now.

"Do you mind if I steal y/n from you for a sec?" Steve asked before- without waiting for an answer- he grabbed you and pulled you out of the room.

"What's wrong?" You asked immediately. Steve wouldn't pull you away from Mike like that unless something had happened- right. Wait, shit! Did he catch you guys? Thoughts raced through your head until Steve interrupted you.

"Y/n, look. I know how you are at your age. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt. But you and Mike are spending, like, a LOT of time together," Steve began.

Now you were already annoyed and not liking where this was going. "And? You were wayyyy worse with Nancy and all those other stupid girls! Let me spend time with him! Not only is he my boyfriend, he's my best friend!" You snapped. Let him think of that what he may, but I don't care what he thinks, you thought. Steve stopped. He knew you were right. He had done the same thing to you when he was even younger than you were now. You smiled tightly.

"Yeah, Steve. Did you think of that? You ditched me first! The only reason we've started hanging out again is because you practically adopted my friends! I didn't have much of a brother for an extra 5 years before this! And you didn't care then, so I don't see what the big deal is. I get I'm adopted and all that stupid fucking shit but GOD. WE SHOULD BE STICKING TOGETHER FOR GODS SAKE. ISNT THAT WHAT SIBLINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO? BUT YOU KNOW WHO WAS WITH ME WHEN MY WHOLE GODDAMN FAMILY WASNT? Guess Steve! Cmon! Cuz we all know it wasn't you! You and all your stupid popularity bullshit! Nancy was right, it IS bullshit! But even Nancy herself has been more of a sister to me in the last 5 years then you've been a brother, so I hope you're happy. Mike and the rest of the party have been with me the whole time! So yeah, screw whatever 'you're spending too much time with him!' Talk you were gonna try to give me cuz you were WAY worse," you yelled at him, pointing your finger. You took a deep breath before continuing. "You and your stupid old friends were assholes, Steve. Tommy and Carol weren't exactly the nicest and neither were you. And then neither were most of your stupid flings. But my relationship with Mike is way more than a stupid fling, I think. He actually cares about me and we aren't just making out or having sex or some stupid shit. Maybe I love him Steve! Did you think of that? So leave me alone just like you did for the past 5 years." Then you spun on your heel and went back into your room, slamming the door in Steve's face, and walked into Mikes open, waiting arms before breaking into tears.

"Hey, it's okay," Mike said softly. He gently rubbed your back and held you until you had cried yourself out.

"I-I'm sorry," you choked out, laughing. "I don't know where that came from."

"Don't worry about it, you're good," Mike reassured you gently. "Though..." he tried to start.

"Do I really love you?" You asked, practically reading his mind. Mike nodded. "I-I don't know Mike. I might, if I'm being completely honest. I don't want you to feel pressured by that or anything but-"

"No- no! I- that's the thing. I think... I might..." he trailed off.

"You might feel the same way?" You asked, trying to fill in the words for him. You knew he had trouble explains his feelings through words, and Ted telling him stupid things like men don't cry didn't help. Mike nodded almost shyly. You smiled at him before leaning forward to kiss him.

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