E. H. Friends and Lovers 💜 Adopted Wheeler! Fem reader

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Summary: El struggles a bit with differentiating feelings of love and friendship. You're the most confusing part, she feels for you how she should have for Mike.
Warnings: major season 1 & 2 spoilers, minor angst
Length: .4k

El was new to the concept of friends- and to the concept of lovers. For a while- she didn't know the difference. Then Mike kissed her and she had to disappear. But she realized the person she missed the most was you.

You were Mike's sister. Same age and everything, though you were adopted. El didn't quite understand the concept of that; she didn't really care. But you were pretty. So pretty. And who cared if you were a girl, El heard that a crush was someone who you thought about all the time and wanted to kiss. El didn't really want to kiss Mike.

But boy, did she wanna kiss you. You were the girl who wrote the number twelve on your arm in Sharpie and told her "See? You're not alone anymore, I'm a number too! I could never hurt you, okay? I'll always be your friend." You were the girl who flung herself in front of El to protect her from the bad people, who called her (with Mike) every night on the walkie, begging her to come back and asking for a sign and if she's there. Sometimes it almost felt like you saw her before you turned to Mike and told him that you had to shut it off since there's school tomorrow. You were the girl who started making friends with some new girl who was also pretty, but was stealing you. El didn't like that, and got jealous.

But everything was all worth it when you and El reunited at the Byers'. She walked in the door, decked out in emo/grunge stuff, dark circles of makeup around her eyes, and the first thing you say is "EL!" And run towards her. You ran as fast as possible, and the short distance between you was closed quickly as you embraced her tightly. "I-I was so worried we lost you, El! I called you every night for"

"352 days, I know, I saw," El cried, hugging you even tighter. You rested your head against her shoulder before pulling away lightly.

"El, your style! You look so pretty!" You said, taking in her outfit. El blushed lightly. Then she did the unthinkable- she leaned forward and kissed you. It was a quicker kiss- more of a peck then a kiss (blame Mike, he's a terrible kisser), but a kiss none the less. When she pulled away, you were shocked for a second. El looked away, thinking she made a mistake before you grabbed her face and brought it back to you before kissing her properly.

"I'm never letting you leave again," you told her.

"I'm never going to leave again," she told you.

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