C. C. Cheer Crushes 🧡 (f)

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Summary: You and Chrissy are best friends, both feminine and on the cheer team. Chrissy moved in with you because her mom kicked her out. You and her both have feelings for eachother but neither of you talk about it. That is, until the reader catches Chrissy staring at her while she's doing stretches before cheer pratice. On the way home, you confesses your love for the her. But little do you know, she feels the same.
Warnings: Chrissy gets kicked out by her mother, swearing, making out, reader is kinda a pervert cuz she keeps staring at Chrissy, mutual pining, severe acts of lesbianism, mentions of homophobia
Length: 1.1k

You and Chrissy were best friends. The two of you were both the girly, head and co-head cheerleader seniors. The gorgeous girls who practically run the whole school. And that's all everyone knows you as. They didn't know all the things that would happen because the two of you were best friends- and they definitely wouldn't know that the both of you wanted to be more than best friends.

When Chrissy's mother finally kicked her out of the house, after years of threatening to do it, it was a surprise. Chrissy showed up at your window, sobbing and asking if she could stay with you. She threw her bags in the window and climbed in. She explained what happened to you, then the rest of your family as you begged then to let her live with you. They agreed, and the two of you were delighted. That brought the two of you even closer.

But it made it harder for you to hide your feelings for the other cheerleader. You hid your diary, and made sure there was no evidence of your terrible crush on Chrissy. You figured she'd never return your feelings, as she was dating Jason. They were the perfect couple, the beautiful blue-eyes blondes, head of the basketball team and head cheerleader. Why would Chrissy ever leave him? Especially for you, there was no way. They were too perfect.

But the thing was, Chrissy was far from perfect. She didn't love Jason, she loved you! The two of you were the perfect duo, the beautiful women who ran the school and the cheerleading team. Chrissy refused to tell anyone, even you that the reason she had been kicked out. It was because she liked girls! And even worse, she liked you.

How were either of you going to survive living together? Neither of you had a clue. But you survived two months- and then you both cracked.

The two of you had just finished an intense practice, and were doing your ending stretches. You and Chrissy were on opposite sides of the room, commanding the stretches from either side of the circle all the cheerleaders had formed. You knew what to do since you and Chrissy had gone over the stretches, but in between the two of you would exchange looks between to confirm. But you were finding it hard to pull your eyes away from her. She looked so gorgeous today, it was hard not to look at her.

Chrissy had on pink makeup today. She had magenta lipstick on, and pink and white eyeshadow. Her eyeliner was on point, and her blush perfectly complemented her tan skin. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled back in a perfect ponytail, tied up with your magenta scrunchie. When she leaned side to side gracefully, stretching across each of her legs, then down the middle. She was so elegant, but so cute!

But Chrissy thought you looked gorgeous today. Your skin was glowing in the flattering light from the sunset coming in from the upper windows of the Hawkins gym. You were bright, happy, and smiling. Your eyes were shining with your delight, laughing at some other cheerleaders joke. Chrissy wished you were laughing at her joke instead. But then she noticed you kept watching her. And then her stretches were just slightly exaggerated. A little bit sexier too, but she'd never admit it. And now you were shamelessly staring at Chrissy she was just too beautiful, you thought you were going to explode.

Then the bell ring violently, shaking you out of your Chrissy-induced daydream. "Alright guys, good practice today! See you next week, happy Friday!" Chrissy cheerfully said. "C'mon girly, let's go home!" She yelled at you jokingly.

"Alright, alright miss bossy-skirt," you joked to Chrissy's amusement. The two of you grabbed your stuff and went out to your car. You threw your bags in the car before hopping in the drivers seat, while Chrissy threw her stuff in the car and hopped in the passenger seat. You started the car, and once Chrissy was buckled you started driving.

"Soooooo, what was that staring at me about during stretches?" Chrissy asked lightly. You glanced over at her quickly.

"W-what? I wasn't staring!" You exclaimed nervously.

"But you were," Chrissy smirked. "Do I look so good in my tight little cheer uniform?" She asked. Her uniform, was in fact, very tight. It hugged her in the right places, highlighting her form. You began getting flustered. What was she doing? It seemed like something she should be doing to Jason, not you! However, you were enjoying every second of it.
Chrissy was very aware you were enjoying every second of it. She loved that you were enjoying it. "Is that it though baby? I just look so good, huh? This right lil shirt and tiny lil skirt?" You nodded hurriedly, trying to keep your eyes on the road. "Mmm, that's what I thought," Chrissy purred. "Do you like me, baby? The way I like you? Do you know how hard it is for me, every day? I have to look at you and not kiss you, and it's so difficult. You're really so beautiful," she added.

"Chrissy, I," you gasped breathlessly, "I like you. I've had a crush on you for-for so long. Really, it's been so bad seeing you with Jason."

Chrissy laughed. "Tell me about it love, I'm the one in a relationship with him. Though I think I should get in one with you now.... What do you think?" She suggested, smiling.

"Yes yes yes! Ditch that loser!" You exclaimed. "Ugh he's so annoying!"

"Trust me, I know. He was almost as bad as my mother. But you've been there for me 24/7 since the beginning. You'd always open your window or pick up the phone, no matter what. You've been so kind to me, you've been everything I need and everything I want," Chrissy told you. By this point, you were almost home. "I love you. Really and truly. I want you so bad in every way," she admitted. You pulled into your driveway, hit park, then leaned over and kissed her. She froze for a millisecond before returning it passionately. She turned in her seat to kiss you better. She put her hands on her face, desperately trying to pull you closer. You turned as well, and put your hands in her hair, trying to pull her closer as well. Teeth clashing accidentally, breathing heavily, the two of you made out in your car. Chrissy slid her tongue along your bottom lip, but then broke the kiss. You whined quietly at the lack of contact. Chrissy raised an eyebrow. "Nobody's home, why don't we continue this in the house? We have nosy neighbors," she suggested. You nodded your head. The two of you quickly disappeared into your house to finish what you'd started.

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