E. H. Monster (f)💜

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Summary: When El smashes Angela's face in and Mike got upset with her, she didn't expect to realize that Mike might not be her love anymore.
Warnings: SEASON 4 SPOILERS, El is upset, kinda angst with a fluffy end, Mike is a jerk to El, bully's face gets smashed in, LOTS of mentions of bullying, reader was bullied, Byler, Mike slander
Length: 1.1k

Angela had gotten what she deserved. El had smashed her face in. And her boyfriend hadn't been there to comfort her, tell her it was okay, and that he loved her. But who was doing that instead? You were. Because Angela deserved that. You had seen what she had done to El, and Will had been honest to you about how bad it was in Cali. You felt really bad for poor El. She'd been struggling ever since she lost her powers, and high school sucks even more than it already does when you've never been to school before.

Mike could be a bit of a jerk. But most of the time, he was a good boyfriend. You thought he treated El better when they weren't together (s1 & s2), but your opinion was biased since you'd been crushing on El since the two of you became friends. When she left, you were torn apart. But Max helped fix the hole in your heart, and when her and Max finally became friends last summer was the greatest thing ever. You three girls could quite possibly be the most iconic trio possible.

Right now, you and El were sitting on her bed, talking. "It's just... everybody looks at me like- like I'm a monster," El said quietly, her eyes watering. You startled. El... a monster? It was practically impossible for her to be that! She had saved the world thrice over, and people still treated her terribly.

"El," you said softly, "If people are looking at you like that then- then they're the monsters. You would never hurt anybody unless the deserved it- and that biotch Angela had it coming. Will told me about her, so I knew she was bullying you."

"She was... bullying me?" El asked.
"Yeah. It's where you make fun of someone repeatedly a lot. Not just a couple of times, but a bunch. What Angela was doing to you was bullying," you explained.
El frowned. "Why... do people bully? Did I do something?"
"Oh god no, El! You didn't do anything! That's the thing about bullies, they bully people for no reason. Though they do it as an outlet for their emotions since usually their lives aren't very fun. They do it to relieve stress and other bad emotions they feel. They enjoy bullying. My mom always said 'sad people make other people sad'. I had problems with toxic- not good -friends. One of them was always uncooperative and when she was in one of her moods, she made everyone else miserable too. It really sucked to have a friend like her, and it really messed with my head. But Will and Lucas and Dustin and Max- they're all good friends. They don't lie," you told her.

"What about Mike?" El asked. You grimaced quietly. "Why did you make that face?"

"Mike... Mike has a hard time sometimes. He was bullied like you, especially when he was younger. People made fun of him for how he looked, for what he liked, what he did, all kinds of things. Things he couldn't even control. The rest of the party was bullied a lot too. Will was bullied for being short, they said mean lies about him, called him a LOT of not nice names, for liking d&d, and for his haircut. Lucas was bullied a LOT- so much it's not even bullying it was straight up harassing! It's terrible what people do and say- especially for things you can't control! He was bullied a LOT for being black- the color of his skin - and it was terrible. So was Erica. It's terrible. Dustin was made fun of for having no collarbones and no teeth. Also for his hair and being a 'nerd'," you ranted.

El listened carefully to your explanations. "You seem to understand a lot. We're you bullied too?"

You laughed bitterly. "Oh of course I was. For being friends with Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin, for liking d&d and reading, my first and last name, for all kinds of stupid things. But when Max and I became friends, they stopped since me and Max gave them a taste of their own medicine and they backed off; that's what you did to Angela. You gave her the medicine in one harsh dose. But normally people don't break peoples noses with skates, so everybody's all surprised. And they don't know what Angela did to you. And girls like Angela are normally able to get away with whatever they want, unfortunately. But El- you are NOT a monster okay? I love you," you said.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiitaki mushrooms. You did not mean to say that. It just slipped out.

"You love me? El asked.

"I... I do, El. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I know you're dating Mike and stuff-"

"I love you too though," El said confidently. You blinked in confusion. "Mike has not loved me recently. I think he likes Will. He hasn't been around for me, but you have. You have since I met you. You have been my best friend and I think I have always loved you, but Mike just said something first so I figured I liked him too. But it's always been you," she explained. "And Will likes Mike too, so they need to date, not me and Mike," El added.

You were shocked to say the least. First off, El liked you too?! She always has, and even loves you? And second- Mike and Will did like each other! You knew it, it was pretty obvious ofc. It was pretty clear before El came. But El liked you! "You love me too? Really?" You said, stunned.

"Yes! Why would I lie about that? Friends don't lie. But... maybe we could be more? Than just friends?" El asked shyly. You blinked. Did El just ask to be your girlfriend romantically? She wants to be your girlfriend?! (A/n Ofc she does who wouldn't) And she wants to be your girlfriend!

"Y-yes!! I'd love that!" You exclaimed. "But- what about Mike?"

"Screw Mike; he's not my boyfriend anymore, you are," El whispered before leaning in to kiss you.

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