M. M. Wheelers & Zoomers 💖 (gn)

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Summary: You're the twin sister of Mike and have a huge crush on Max! Only Mike and Nancy know, which is one of the reasons why Mike doesn't like Max cause he doesn't want his twin to date yet. And so, as you and the party hang out, you decide to play truth or dare. And it lands on Mike, he chooses truth, and he has to reveal one of his twin's secret! If only you knew things could surprisingly work out in your favor.
Warnings: swearing, Mike being stupid, readers crush getting revealed, reader and El are besties, reader is adopted, reader has the same birthday and similar interests as Mike, reader yells at Dustin, Byler at the end because I can't help myself-
Length: .7k

You were a Wheeler sibling, the same age as Mike. And you, Mike, and, Nancy told each other pretty much anything. At least, you told them stuff. You and Mike are practically twins, other than the fact that you're adopted, which is whatever. The two of you even have the same birthday and interests!

They knew you'd had a HUGE crush on Max ever since she came to school last year. Now, it was summer, and all of you were hanging out. All of you being you, El, Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin, and of course, Max. And unfortunately for you, everyone had decided to do truth or dare.

"Mike, truth or dare?" Lucas asked.

"Uhh... truth," Mike hesitantly decided.

"Hmm. What's one of y/n's secrets?" Dustin asked, smirking. 'Oh no,' you thought 'he better not say-'

"Y/n has a crush on Max!" Mike blurted out

'Oh my fucking god' you thought 'he said it'

"MIKE IM GONNA KILL YOU!" You yelled and lunged towards him. El held you back though, and you fumed in El's embrace. "How could you Mike?! And Dustin, omg, how stupid of a question is that?! Ugh! This is the worst day ever!" You ranted angrily. Then you broke out of El's arms and stormed out of the basement and into your room, ignoring Ted protesting that you quiet down because he's trying to eat his chicken.

You slammed your door before throwing yourself down on your bed and screaming. You didn't want to ruin your's and Max's friendship! 'How could Mike do this to me?! Why would Dustin ask such a stupid question?! What is Max thinking?! Ugh, Mike is SO STUPID!!! IM GONNA GO KILL HIM!' You thought, standing up. Then you heard a gentle knock on your door.

"Hello? Could you come back downstairs please, I have a surprise for you!" El said gently.

"Hopefully it's Mike's head on a platter and food," you muttered, opening the door. El quickly skittered down the stairs, then down to the basement. You followed her, a pit of dread gathering in your stomach.

You and Max had become fast friends last year, when she came to Hawkins. You were the only one in the party brave enough to go talk to her, and she accepted your offer of friendship and food, and let you sit at her table. You'd been friends ever since, and while you'd rather be lovers, friends was better than nothing.

You let El lead you carefully back down the basement steps when all of a sudden a hand reached out and dragged you into the closet. They covered your eyes with their hand and pulled you towards them. They slapped a hand over your mouth when you opened it to scream but then the hand was replaced by... lips?

Your kidnapper removed the hand over your eyes, and you opened them to realize that Max was kissing you.

Wait. MAX WAS WHAT?! The ginger finally pulled back. "I like you too," she said breathlessly. Then you pulled her in for another kiss.

"OKAY OKAY WE GET YOU LIKE EACH OTHER STOP MAKING OUT!" Mike yelled, disgusted. The rest of the party shouted "YEAH!"

You and Max just pulled away and laughed.

Mike looked at the two of you, grossed out. "You forgive me right?" He asked you, and you nodded, smiling. "Good! Go kiss somewhere else then, yuck!"

"Well now you know how I feel when I catch you and Will making out in your room!" You retaliated.

"WHAT!!?!!!!?!!!????" Everyone else yelled. You just laughed and grabbed Max's hand, pulling her upstairs.

You heard the rest of the party start to harass Mike and Will for what the hell that meant, but you just laughed and pulled Max up the basement stairs. The two of you ran to the stairs to the upper floor, giggling and laughing. Ted yelled at you again, "How many times am I gonna have to tell you? Be quiet!"

"Ted, let them have their fun! It's young love," Karen scolded him. You were too occupied with Max though to notice or care what Ted said, but you appreciated Karen defending you.

"Uhh, you're gonna have to give me the tea on Mike and Will, you know that right?" Max demanded as the two of you ran up the stairs

"Oh, I will, don't worry. But I think we should worry about ourselves first, what do you think?" You asked, pulling her into your room. "I just really wanna kiss you, you know?"

"I do think we have to make up for lost time," Max smirked, before leaning forward and kissing you.

Maybe today wasn't such a bad day after all.

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