E. M. Like a Virgin 💖 (gn)

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Summary: Eddie likes how you two mostly listen to similar music. But recently, Madonna grew on you. He comes to terms with that fact by learning to play a special song by her for your birthday for you.
Warnings: Warnings: some light swearing, a little fluffy lol, reader listens to rock and Madonna. Reader is friends with Nancy and Max (she's Eddie's age though), Max isn't depressed. I had to do some research for this one to find a good love song that I liked in the Stranger Things timeline lol. I know Like a Virgin isn't the sappiest, but I gave up cuz I couldn't find any good ones 💀
Length: 1.6k

You and Eddie normally listened to similar music. That was part of what he loved about you so much.  You both could rock out to Guns and Roses, Metallica, and pretty much and rock bands. However, you also listened to Madonna. What could you say, after hanging out with Nancy she had grown on you.

Though currently 'Like a Virgin' was stuck in your head. "Didn't know how lost I was until I found you~" you hummed under your breath. "I was beat, incomplete... something something something... You made me feel shiny and new~"

You would be listening to the song on your Walkman, but you had left it at Eddie's house from when you slept over last night.

All of a sudden-"Are you singing 'Like a Virgin'?!" Eddie interrupted you rather rudely, as you had been about to belt out the title lyrics. You jumped, startled. Your boyfriend of several months was staring at you apprehensively.    

"Uhm... maybe?" You grinned sheepishly. Eddie looked at you doubtfully. "It's not my fault!", you exclaimed, "Nance and Max got me into it!" 

Eddie laughed. "I don't care, babe, I was just wondering cuz you've been humming that same tune for a while now. But WOW YOU BETRAYED ME FOR MAX AND NANCY HUH?" He jumped forward and tackled you onto the sofa behind you, tickling you. Something clattered to the floor. Shrieking with laughter, you hit Eddie.

"Eds! Stoppp you knocked something over!" You laughed.
"Shit", he swore, "I dropped your Walkman."

"Ughhhh that was the new expensive one," you sighed, slightly annoyed. Eddie walked over picked it up and examined it before holding it out for you to examine.
"See! Barely a scratch. I don't even see a scratch!" He proclaimed proudly. You sighed and smiled at him, getting up to observe it. He placed it into your outstretched hand. You held it up closer to examine.
"Hmmm. I don't know Eds, you might have to get me a new one for my birthday," you teased him. Eddie groaned. "I mean, it IS coming up soon ya know," you added.

"Oh don't you worry, love, I'm plenty aware," Eddie smirked self-assuredly

"Are you though?", You asked, "What are you getting me?"

"Well, I can't tell you now can I, or it won't be a surprise will it?" Eddie teased, and you groaned.

"Who cares it it's a surprise?! I wanna know nowwww," you declared.

"Well you'll have to wait, love, sorry. I have to go now though, I have band practice," Eddie said sorrowfully, being dramatic as usual.
"How will I live til our next encounter?" You dramatically asked, playing along.
"I don't know, but I shall see you soon, my royal majesty," he said, pulling you in for a sweet kiss.
"I shall eagerly await your return, loyal subject"

*time skip to when Eddies finished with band*

Eddie had been looking for a new song to learn to play on his guitar. He had also been searching for the perfect gift to give you for your birthday. And now, thanks to you, he had found both. He decided he was going to learn how to play 'Like a Virgin'. He wasn't a big fan of Madonna. Or Bowie, or The Beatles, or Kate Bush, or Bananarama or what Robin, Nancy, and Max dubbed 'actual music'. He listened to hard rock- Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Guns and Roses- that was Eddie's shit. But for you- just for you, just this once- he'd make an exception. So sighing heavily he grabbed the cassette tape for Madonna's Like a Virgin that Max had left for him one day with the note 'just in case you want to listen to music that's actually good for once'. The note was still on there. Eddie laughed once, then tore it off and flipped the cd the bird. Then, sighing again, he put it in his uncle's cassette player. Listening to the first two songs people called 'music' was practically torture for Eddie. He recognized the first song, whatever it was. It unfortunately played on the radio often. The second one he didn't, but it still sucked. During the time of those two songs he had gotten up and grabbed his guitar, plugged it into the amp, and gotten everything ready to learn to play this stupid song.

When the notes to the third song began playing, he recognized it as the time you'd been humming for about a week. He picked up his guitar and started listening.

*skip to your birthday (sorry for the skips)*

Today was your birthday. It was brilliant. You were still young, so birthdays were still the thrill of gifts and cake. You looked in the mirror, looking at your birthday fit. "Still young and beautiful," you laughed before going to the kitchen to see your favorite breakfast at the table! A note was there from your parents that read 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR WONDERFUL CHILD! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND ARE SO GRATEFUL TO HAVE YOU IN OUR LIVES. WE ARE OUT TO WORK BUT ENJOY YOUR BREAKFAST AND HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY. LOVE MOM AND DAD.'

"Aww, how sweet!" You said aloud. You went to go turn on the radio to block out the silence of your house when you're home alone. Like a Virgin was playing! Your parents must have turned it to your favorite station before leaving since they knew you liked to listen to it when home alone, and it sometimes takes a while to find it. Singing and dancing in between taking bites of your breakfast, today was already a great day. And after you we're meeting up with Eddie too! You had told him you didn't even need or want a present from him and it would be okay if he couldn't buy you anything. You were worried that your sweet boyfriend would've spent too much money that he needed on a gift for you. Eddie was sweet that way, and you knew he'd probably feel guilty for not getting you something. But little did you know what he had in mind.

Once you finished your breakfast and getting ready for the day, you headed to Eddie's house. You drove up to the lot  and got out of the car. All of a sudden you heard somebody cheer. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Max yelled, hurtling towards you before enclosing you in a tight hug. "I got you the new Kate Bush cd!" She squealed excitedly. "It's sooooo good! My favorite song is 'Running Up That Hill' it's literally so good," Max informed you, hading you a wrapped cd case. You made quick work of the wrapping paper before seeing the album. It was Kate Bush with a thick layer of makeup on her face, with a dog in each of her arms. She was laying on her back with her hair spread out, and looked like she was wearing a lilac chiffon dress. 'Hounds of Love' the album was called.

"It looks really good Max, thank you so much!" You exclaimed. You couldn't wait to listen to it, you'd have to play it when you got home later. "Anyways, I have to get going to see Eddie before he sends the cops after me," you laughed. "Bye Max!"

"Bye Y/n! Happy Birthday!" Max called before running off again.
You knocked on the Eddie's uncle's trailer door before it creaked open.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Eddie yelled, sweeping you up in a bone crushing hug. You gasped, surprised, before breaking into a giant grin. "I got you something too! Well not exactly. I... learned how to do something! For you!" He exclaimed, adorably excited. "C'mon, Cmon, I wanna show you!" he said, dragging you into the trailer. "Alright," he said, dragging out a chair for you in front of his already set up guitar. "I noticed you've been humming this song a LOT recently, and while I don't like it that much, you really seem to so I decided I'd learn to play it for you!" He explained, grabbing his guitar and pick. He struck the first chord before he began to play. You realized it was Like a Virgin! You gasped, surprised he had noticed, but very very happy. You started singing along to it, the two of you in sync. Once he finished, you ran up to him and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Thanks, Eds. That was the best birthday present ever," you told him before kissing him again.

"I'm glad you liked it," he said happily. "Now, I saved up some money, to buy you something! It's not a lot, but we could probably get a dessert to share or something!" He told you.

"Whoo!" You cheered, "Let's go get us some dessert!"

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