R. B. :The Bake Sale (f)💖

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Summary: For the Hawkins Highschool Bake Sale fundraiser, you and Robin decide to experiment with a little baking. However, not all goes as planned and Nancy gets called on for help.
Warnings: some light swearing, Robin gets stressed, burnt cheesecake crust, a lil bit angsty at the beginning then fluffy
Length: 1.5 words

It was one of the first months of the school year, September. Also when autumn starts to settle in Hawkins. Also the time of the Hawkins High fundraiser. Each year they did something new and different, and this year they decided to do a bake sale! You can cook your own food and sell it at the school to raise money for improvements to the school, whatever it should be. When you heard this, being the baker you are, you immediately bring it up to your adorable girlfriend Robin. The two of you went to your house straight after school the day of the sale to try to make cheesecake. It was going well! At least, you thought it was. But that's when you smelled burning.

"Robin! Is something burning?" You yell. You wait for a sec, trying to hear her response, but she didn't say anything. "Shit," you mumble to yourself. Robin is sweet and always had the best intentions, but sometimes she can get herself into big trouble on accident. Then you heard her voice from outside.

"Nance what if she gets really sad! I don't want her to be upset cuz I ruined her cheesecake! She really really really likes baking and really wanted to do this but I ruined it and what I'd she gets mad and doesn't want to hang out with me anymore or she just gets sad and upset and it's my fault, Nance-" Robin ranted. She had her back to you, and the burnt-to-a-crisp cheesecake crust was sitting on the ground, still slightly smoking.

"Robin, it's okay," Nancy reassured her, "Y/n knows mistakes happen. She bakes ALL THE TIME. She knows things happen. She might be a LITTLE upset but I think there's still enough time to make something else. Maybe a little bit more simple, but that's okay. You can always go crazy with decorations right? C'mon let's go air out the kitchen and tell her what happened, kay?"

"Alright," Robin sighed before reaching down with her still muffed hand to grab the pan the crust was in. You walk out with a gentle smile on your face.

"Robs, are you okay? I smelt the smoke, the crust burnt didn't it?" You asked gently.

"I mean I'm fine but the crust isn't- I'm sorry I asked Nancy to come over to help cause... well- I wanted to make something for you. Like bake some cupcakes or something even just get them started then we can bake more together cuz I really like baking with you and I wanted to show you I could do it too and then you'd be proud and happy with me and we'd have more to take to the bake sale-" Robin ranted quietly.

"Hey," you said softly, grabbing her hands "I'm flattered you wanted to do something that sweet for me and I really appreciate, okay?" Robin nodded. "We can still make cupcakes, okay? But we can do it together and that's just as much fun," you grinned at her.

"Told you Robs! Have fun baking you two! And you're still picking me up later to go to the sale, right?" Nancy said

"Yup! See ya later Nance!" You and Robin exclaimed simultaneously. Nancy waved before hopping back in her car and driving off. You and Robin looked at each other before grinning and heading into the kitchen.

"Alrighty Robin! Grab flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and vanilla, and turn the oven on to 350 to heat; I'll grab the rest of the stuff," you ordered. Robin saluted you and searched through the pantry and fridge to find everything. You got everything out to make the cupcakes and then the rest of the ingredients. "Can you sift the flour for me while I crack the eggs?" You asked.
"Yup!" Robin declared, popping the p.

Once Robin had sifted the flour she rested her head on your shoulder and kissed you on the cheek. "Robinnnn don't distract meeee," you whined jokingly.
"It's not my fault I have a beautiful girlfriend," she fired back. You laughed at her being silly. "I shifted the flour, so I think I deserve a reward," she suggested jokingly. You pecked her lips quickly before reaching behind her to grab the sifted flour off of the island. "That was a good reward," Robin informed you. You giggled at her.

Soon, you had finished making the batter and poured it as evenly as possible into the cupcake pans. Robin didn't help much, but kept dipping her finger into the batter to taste it. She swiped her finger over a fuller one and stuck it in her mouth, cleaning the batter off her finger. "Robin!" You scolded. She laughed shamelessly.
"It isn't my fault it's so good! Besides, that one needed to be evened out," she defended herself. You sighed and rolled your eyes before smiling at her. Eyeing the cupcakes you decided they were even enough.
"Robin, open the oven," you ordered, grabbing the tray. She complied quickly. It would be an hour before the cupcakes would be finished, so it was the perfect time to make the icing.

Robin grabbed the powdered sugar and salt and you grabbed the milk and vanilla. You poured the wet ingredients into the bowl and turned the mixer on. Robin cut the powdered sugar bag open and you slowly poured the whole bag in until it was thick and creamy. "Do you want to color the icing?" You asked.

"Uhh is that even a question? Hell yes!" She exclaimed.

"Go grab the dye then," you ordered. She grabbed each of your favorite colors out of the box and the toothpicks while you grabbed bowls and spoons. You spooned some of the icing into each bowl then took a toothpick and added the food coloring to each bowl. "Mix," you demanded, holding the bowls with her favorite colors, green and orange, out to her to mix. You mixed the bowls with your two favorite colors in it. Once you two finished mixing you collapsed on the couch and cuddled until the oven beeped, telling you the cupcakes had finished baking.

You groaned, not wanting to get off the couch with golden girls and your warm, cuddly girlfriend. When you slowly dragged yourself off the couch, Robin pulled your face down for one last kiss before she too hopped up to see the cupcakes. After opening the oven and pulling out the rack the cupcakes were on, you stuck toothpicks in the cupcakes to make sure they were fully baked. They all came out clean and you pulled out the rack to let them cool off a little. Once they were cool enough, you pulled them out and f the pan and set them on a cooling rack. After setting a timer for 20 minutes for them to cool to ice then you settled down with Robin again. Once the timer went off again you dragged yourself off the couch again. You loved icing though, it was one of the best parts of making cupcakes.

"Alright Robin, which piping tips do you want for each color?" You asked.

"Hmm... the shell-looking one for orange... spiky for green then curly and heart for your colors," she decided.

"Ooooh that'll be pretty!" You declared, nodding your approval and grabbing the icing, piping bags, and piping tips. You and Robin filled the bags, then ate what didn't go in. You grabbed the cupcakes and started icing. Robin did her colors and you did yours. You looked over to see what Robin was doing. She was eating the icing! "Robin!" You scolded, laughing. She looked at you unabashedly and laughed. "Ugh I guess YOURE done," you laughed and Robin groaned.
"Whateverrrrr girly," she laughed, swiping icing off your nose. You scrunched your nose, going cross eyed trying to see if there was still icing on it. Robin giggled at you. "C'mon, babe, we gotta finish them," she reprimanded you with a grin on her face. You smiled back at her and grabbed the bags.

"I guess we ought to, huh," you giggled before kissing her on the nose. You grabbed the piping bags and finished icing. Once they all had sprinkles on them, you packed them up and put them in the back of you car. "Alrighty Robs, let's go pick up Nance," you said.

"Okie-dokes," she agreed.

"Robin? I just wanted to tell you I had a lot of fun baking with you today. Even if the cupcakes don't sell, though they probably will, I still really enjoyed hanging out with you today, okay? I love you Robby," you said and kissed her.

"I had a lot of fun too, baby. I love you too," she told you before placing a sweet kiss on your lips. "Now let's go sell these bitchin' cupcakes,"

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