L. S. Smiley (gn) 💖

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Summary: When you're having an off day, Lucas helps cheer you up. So does Erica, but in a much less funny way for Lucas
Warnings: not really and tbh but dad jokes ig?? Readers kinda sad at the beginning too if that counts
Length: .4k

You were kinda off today. A little sad, a little bit upset, just kinda off. Nobody really noticed after you brushed it off with a plastered-on smile and a "I'm fine, seriously!" But your best friends and Lucas noticed, unsurprisingly. Which was why you were currently sitting in Lucas's room with him while he's cracking silly jokes to try to get you to smile.

"What does a magician owl say? Owlakazam! What about that one, huh?" He asked, laughing at his own joke. "Real knee slapper, huh?" He joked in between slapping his own knee.

You cracked a bit of a smile at that. Just a little bit, like a corner of your mouth turned up ever-so-slightly.

"Ahah! That's what I've been looking for!" Lucas cheered, jumping off his bed. "What else do I got, what else?" He asked himself. "Hmmm.... well, not a joke, but something! Ya know, I really hate jokes about German sausage though. They're just.... The WURST! Get it? Bratwurst?" He laughed.

You finally smiled and chuckled, shaking your head at his Lucas-ness.

"There you go, woohoo!" Lucas cheered. "Did I make you happy?"

"Ohh, you make me so happy Loocey-Poocey! Mwah mwah mwah mwah!" Eric's said in a silly high-pitched voice from the doorway.

"Ericaaa! Get out of my room!" Lucas groaned, annoyed at his little sisters interruption. Now you were actually laughing though.

"See, Lucas? I make her laugh the most, without even trying! And I'm not in your room, you didn't close the door!" Erica declared.

Lucas got up and shut the door in her face before turning slowly to you. You were sitting on the bed, currently, where Lucas had previously been sitting. He smirked to himself, obviously having formed a plot.

Your eyes narrowed. "What are you... no nO NO LUCAS DONT YOU DARE! I SWEAR-!" You started before Lucas charged at you and tackled you back onto the bed. You laughed and squirmed under him as he began tickling you. "Luuucaaaassss!" You complained while laughing as you finally fought him off. But now you were laughing and smiling, and that was all Lucas cared about.

"Are you good now? Back to Smiley Sunshine?" He asked sweetly.

"I guess I am, all thanks to you," you smiled.

"I'm glad to hear it," he said before kissing you. He did always know how to turn your frown upside down.

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