✅✅chapter 1 ( wakeup call ) (E)

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Shreya woke up irritated to the sound of her phone constantly ringing. She looked at the caller id and started cursing the caller "what does this ' pain in the ass ' want so early morning, at exactly 5 :30 am" .

She thought to herself that, she had saved her arrogant and playboy boss's number correctly as PAIN . She half heartedly picked up her phone trying to be calm she spoke,

"what do you want at this time of hour that you can't wait 3 more hours ".

Reyhansh chuckled and replied, "Ms Joshi I don't pay you to sleep but instead I pay you to work for me with complete devotion and loyalty"

. Rey knew that Shreya is completely loyal to her job but just to get on her nerves after last night instead he called her intentionally, when shreya walked in his office with his mother guiding her way into the cabin, he was making out with one of his girlfriends no one was allowed in as everyone knew what was going on but to just irritate him she walked his mother in his office, giving a very scandalous view to his mother when she saw her only 6.4 inch tall son, lying over a half naked girl and he can't forget what happened next .

Thinking about the incident he told Shreya to get an hour early to his house and give him today's meetings file .

Hearing him she got angry and was about to scream when he disconnected the phone line.
She kept her phone aside and thought to herself "what a scoundrel he was?".

She got up from her bed and walked over to her bathroom, did her daily routine and called from her bedroom intercom to kitchen but no one answered. So she walked over to her walk-in closet, got herself ready in a tight black pencil skirts a inch below her knees tucked with a beautiful blue silk blouse giving her a complete formal look with 3-inch black stilettos and eyeliner completed with lip gloss. She carried her Da Milano laptop bag and her Dior handbag and walked out of her room in her family's house. She saw the servant coming down of the stairs to make everyone's morning tea.

She asked him to keep her things in her car but he replied "Mam, your car has gone for regular maintenance ".

She cursed under her breath looking at the watch, as it striked 7 she walked over to her parents room .

She knocked over the door twice until her mother opened. She was not surprised seeing her daughter was ready before time as she knew since, she has joined this job her boss was squeezing her lazy daughter around hardly.

She always blessed that man who made her stubborn daughter do all the work that she could never imagine her doing.

Shreya politely asked her mother "is papa awake?" she replied "yes,he is in the bathroom".

she rushed towards the bathroom in her parents grand master bedroom. She knocked and very sweetly and loudly asked her father "pops my car has gone for repair and dad (her grandfather) has already taken my other car for his yoga session, mom needs her car today to buy some stuff and uncle auntie are still sleeping, so i can't ask them for their car right now from their set of cars because I am getting late so please can I take your car" a reply came from in "I need the small car today as i have to go to somewhere and i can't go in the big cars so i need it . You can ask the driver to drop you" . She replied back "or i can take your new car and promise that i'll bring it back without a crack" her father yelled " no" she shouted " yes and i love u pops byee" . She marched towards the key holder looking at the key of brand new Mercedes Sedan in jet black, her favourite color . She dropped both her bags in the front seat and rode out of her family's grand estate happily but her mood just went sour when she realised she is going to the devil's lair. She sighed and thought about what awaited for her next on this long day .

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