✅✅Chapter - 13 ( redhanded )

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Shreya's pov

As soon as i reached the parking lot i asked my driver to wait then grabbed a navy blue blazer and buttoned it up to give myself a professional look also i dont want anyone to suspect the reason that why i am on leave .
So i walked in the building and greeted Mrs . Briganza she was the receptionist and my very good friend . She looked still very young to her age no one could ever say that she could be more than 50 but actually she was more aged but she never mentioned it to me .
I waved at her and then stepped in the elevator and punched the top floor button . The lift was empty so i used the oppturnity to straighten my dress and quickly took out the brush and brushed my hair afterall i have to play hard to make my boss's life hell and then suddenly the bell rang and i reached my desire floor as i was walking towards mt cabin which i got last month because my boss thought the best way to piss me off iss to overload me with work and responsiblity and for that he promoted me .
As i was about to open the door someone kept a hand on my shoulder and i looked around to find my friend nita behind me she eyed me suspiciously and asked " thank god you are alive i thought you are dead you are off the radar since yesterday ??you didnt showed up at work not even yesterday and not even today what is upwith you??or you definetely want to piss boss off that you are taking leaves without notice?
Calm down, my superfast express relax I am going on a leave i'll be back by monday or tuesday i really want to explain things to you but not now.
Fine, she said but how are you going to get your leave approved from the man who hates you like hell.
I laughed, that you leave it me i am here to get some files and get my leave approved from that dick.
Today, they are going to be lot of fireworks she said in a amused tone.
Yeah right, so darling meet you next week i have to hurry now and i'll try to bid you a goodbye if things get over in time now i have to rush.
My beautiful friend, who was a real beauty she was a brunette with beautiful grey eyes that i always adore and feel jealous of her.
I immediately unlocked my cabin got all the work and packed it in my fendi tote then i was heading towards my future husband's office to mark him with my pressence and for the people who belived i was going in for approving my application.
Her personal slut , oops her assistant was not at her seat or either i have to wait and that stupid wont mind irritating me so only with a knock i went in and then saw something which i couldnt belive he would do.
I saw him sitting in his chair and his assistant all over him thats the reason she was not at her desk that slut was doing it infront of me and that to with my future husband i said loudly excuse me and then gathering up my rattled self without looking into his eyes i said " sorry for interupting but i have to go".
I immediately made a run to the elevator but damn it . It was taking time . When it finally came i rushed into it i was about to close the door when rey came in with guilt at his face.
Sorry princess, but its not what you think it is. There was nothing going on i assure you.
I am least intrested , mr singhania that what you do behind the closed doors and also i dont want to know you can do anything you want because i am callung off this wedding.
Dont do this i love you and what you saw was not even true.
I dont care anymore mr. Singhania but i made my final decision i wont marry you.
Then, you want it the hard way then .
Ok fine if you dont marry me i'll ruin your family . You know i can finish your father's business within hours and i can ruin your uncle's political carrer.
You want try anything like that mr, i groaned with anger.
Try me , princess and then he gave a smug smile.
Fine , i'll marry you but you have to sign a prenup agreement and any coid in that from anyone from both sides this marriage will get over right at that moment and it will remain between two of us and no one could ever know about it.
Fine by me he said and suddenly the door opened.
My lawyer will contact you by tonight and just for the record dont you dare act oversmart with me .
I moved out and ran towards my car i wanted to cry hard but i dont want to show him my weakness.
I went to the car and gave my driver some money and told him to go back home .
I took the car from him and started crying hard i was almost in love with that guy i was about to marry him and have a happily ever after but all that romantic craps only happens in novels and movies but this is real life.
Then i drove it to my friends house who was a lawyer and my very close friend.
I rang the bell and a smart guy near about 6 came in he saw me and exclaimed whats wrong with you?were you crying ?leave all that and come in first .
I went in and explained him the whole story from the begening .
He was very pissed off by the end of the story.
So what do want me to do now?he asked?
I want you keep this conversation between us a secret and send this prenup to him as my lawyer and friend.
Fine he said and we started discussing the conditions.

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