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REY"S pov

"We will get late for picking up your children from their first day of school." My wife shouted from the outside of my cabin.

Lady, they are your children too.

Shreya looked at me upside down ; the way you are spoiling them , they have officially declared you their favourite parent and how can you forget both the troublemakers carry your attitude and looks . I feel so not part of this family . She pouted .

If you people are wondering , about our kids then let me tell you yes we had twins . A boy named Sahej and the girl named Taasha . Well , according to mom they are my exact copies but my boy has his mother's eyes and my baby girl is the female me .

My wife here , plays the bad cop with them . Though she loves them to pieces but she belives that it will keep the kids in check or they will be turned rotten and spoilt.

Though , I belive my kids should get everything but I also dot want them to be stuck up asses.

Mom , right now is touring the world with her friends and everytime she goes a new place she sends immidiate gifts for her grandkids and right now she is touring the world because she wants to make us more.

I love the process of making kids no doubt and Shreya loves it too but after I saw her at the labour last time . OmG , she was ready to kill me themoment she was delivering the kids the only thing that was holding her was the nurses or she was ready to cut my balls right that moment . She threatned me not to touch her next time or she will feed me my own balls.

That moment I promised my self to use protection the next time because I cant let her go through the pain again .

What are you thinking??? Shreya asked, making me snap out from my thoughts.

Well I smirked , I was thinking where to tie you tonight. I said seductively in her ear.

She still blushes like a tomato .
She pushed me away and before I could catch her and show her who is the boss the driver stopped the car and indicated that we have reached the school.

Shreya's Pov

Things are great since we got married and I know all of you know that but I was panicking when the doctor confirmed that I am pregnent well everybody was very happy my family , rey's family and the media because they got a new topic to buzz about . I love attention but too much focus on me and my baby was annoying .
Did I just said baby, yeah as later when it was confirmed that we were having twins then Rey just increased his protectivess and possesiveness even though the previous security was already bad but later it became worse . I hardly got a chance to breathe .
My sexual drive was all over the place during my pregnancy . That time I only did 3 things - ate like a sensless stupid whale , slept like a dead log like no fucks given and in the end made countltess times with my husabnd and I was having so much fun but work was important too so I used to take work home with me like every now and then while I came to meet my husband at his office and a quickie always makesup for my doing because men will be men .
My husband later didnt let me work for quite sometime and I have no problem with that because I want to give my family time before they grow up and our ways of spending time may start to differ . Everytime I have this thought Rey cheers me up saying that we could always make some more . Trust me that man is too horny . Keeping up with him is so exhausting that I dont need to workout .
Rey's scariest and gloomiest mood can always cheer up anytime because of the kids . He loves them that much that when sometimes I messup big time I use them to get to him but in my case it takes his black card .
The children love him more no doubt because I am strict I never expected to be turn out like this because in real I am the last person who should teach my children virtues of life but hey till now its working fine.
Tasha came in running to Rey and Sahej to me they were blabbering non stop about their day that it was not making sense to understand.
So who wants to have an icecream I butted in .
Both of them started to jump  happily .
Ok lets move then .

My family is perfect with Rey now , sure we have our ups and down but we can pass that .
Well my arrogant , stuckup , snob of a boss turned out to be a great man to look upto and now I am ready to get stuck with him for the rest of my life.

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