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Shreya's POV

How difficuilt can trecking be ? She asked herself for the 100 th time as she saw the adventerous package she was about to gift to Rey as a gateaway gift far from the mechanical life.
For a man having this much level of success ,Rey works extremely hard but still he never fails to give attention to the family.
Well, its our 9th anniversary and my darling mother in law has taken the kids with her to LA Disneyland in hope that we can give her more grandkids.
Trust me,she never stops .She is determined to make me have atleast one more kid but me and Rey after long discussion have concluded if it happens ,it will happen . We wont try this time and just wait for it . Since last time I was pregnant we ended up having an almost divorce because of our issues and different opinions towards parenting.
Though,we ended up clearing the mess and now we are as strong as ever but year after giving birth life was beautiful yet difficuilt.
Lets just say,during this period we ended up finding out that we both have zero patience as a result I ended up staying almost 3-4 months at my parents place with the kids.
Rey used to come to visit the kids but our egos were at their peek so no luck there.
In the begining,no one noticed because my parents were inviting me to stay their with the kids from a long time but when they started to notice Rey's limited visits . They started digging and got my Mother in law involved in this and they ended up patching us up.
We concluded ,like always that we must fight more often as the makeup sex was so hot that I ended up sore for like the whole week but yet it was something I cant even describe.

So coming back to the point , I want to give him this trip as a time out which seems he need it badly but still is too busy to ask but, I am not sure if I can go with him. He needs it and wants it but I dont think so I can do this .And going without him would be so wrong..
I groan with annoyance ,"what to do?".

Rey's pov

Who would have ever thought that running a multibillion dollar corporation would be a peice of cake in comparison with finding a perfect gift for my 9th wedding anniversary.
I have possibly given her every materialistic thing and this time she is expeting something different which she has hinted me like 10 thousand times already.
We have almost seen more than half of the world so an abroad trip is out of the box,she already has enough diamonds and gems that she likes to get herself and giving her signature stuff as anniversary present is not something she wants.
I was about to pull my hair off when an idea struck to my mind.
I walk into her office and she is not in her seat . I think she must be in the washroom.
Something catches my eye as I look at the brochure thats lying on the table. Its an brochure to an adventure camp . So she planned on giving me this . I groan pulling my hair , "wow i really need to buckle up".
She really knows me so well but I fail to understand that what can I give her to make her happy and excited with joy.
How can getting your wife an anniverdary gift be so difficuilt.
I walk out of her cabin.
I find her sitting in mine. She was deep in thought that she didnt notice me.
So whats up , with you sitting here? I asked looking at her.
She never replied, I spinned my chair where she was sitting.
Then she laughed and started screaming to stop but that was fun doing this to her because it was fun tormenting her.
So I look at her when she is back into her senses after the spin.
She gives me a very wiered expression and I am kind of worried usually this means I am in trouble.
What's wrong wifey? I ask her .
Well I was looking for peeping in for my anniversary gift when I stumbled upon this.
She had my journal in her hand and I was stunned big time nobody except me knew of its existence and how the hell did she get it.

I snatched it quickly from her hands and kept it back to its place.

I gave her a stern look, 'you know reading somebody else's thought is bad'.

She gave me a funny expression and said "well if that somebody happens to be my husband and when its filled with so much of expression then I deserve it".

No you are not going near it and with that this conversation is over now go I have a meeting in two,with that I basically shoved her out of my office.

The wedding anniversary

Since getting a gift for Shreya was the hardest thing to do but I decided to do something much more hard .
I decided to completely express myself to her so I gifted her my journal which she loved it .
She even cried after a few pages and re read it until I snatched it away from her but my favourite part of the day was when she read a peice and said something that made my day after reading my favourite part(but she doesn't know that)

She's beautiful the kind of beauty that you can't stop looking at.
She got that stars in her eyes%-) which makes everything so bright around her.

She's more than art or even a masterpiece.

She's heaven and i am her hell, she's a saint in a heart of a sinner.

She's everything  that you can't imagine to live without.

I am lucky that i am in luv wid her.

Her tear filled eyes confessed something that day that kind of was unexpected
"You know I started this relationship as a compromise and I never really loved you back for the longest time thinking this was the right thing to do also because I was a bit selfish because you made me feel something that was extraordinary and which nobody ever did for me. You made me feel loved which I knew but I didn't accept it for the longest time because I was scared of getting hurt but when you distant yourself apart from me after our babies birth I realised I loved you for the longest time even before me or my brain could admit but now I know it's not too late to fess up because I am stuck with my boss for life and there is no way out for either of us also I love you  ."

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