✅✅ ch -17 change of hearts

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Rey's pov

What does that little brat

thinks of herself i was definetely mistaken when i thought i had feeling for her but how can i be so weak that girl is just a conquest for me to concure which will give me hell lot of a power making me one the most influential man across the continent and i need totackle the situation properly before I end up losing everything because now i have to take Shreya beside my side either mom will not give me what i want for which i have worked hard my entire life my birth right....god this is getting so conplicated mom adores her and one wrong step and i will lose everything i need to play sharp with such thougts i slept because i know it is going to be a long day for me tomorrow .

Shreya's pov
How could he think that i cant resist that perv. Atleast i have that much gead and selfrespect that after yesterday's breakdown i wont fall for that guy again.
My head was completely revolving around his words . I was definately nervous like every other bride  because from tomorrow i would be officialy start sinking in the swamp of wedding with that stupid god what wrong did i do that u are tying me with this evil man . I sighed and tucked my bedsheet switching off the lights because i need complete dark to sleep .
Hoping about a better life and

a long day ahead tomorrow i tried to sleep until sleep captured me.

I woke up with a bang on my door . I wanted to sleep more because according to me happiness is alone time with my bed but constant banging irritated me to that extent that i have to finally wakeup.
It was my mother and sister in law on the door .
What are you still doing in bed go get up and freshen up we have to get u ready before 3:00 pm and we have to get dressed ourselves and its already 11:45 go freshen up and quickly come for breakfast down .
I replied in a husky voice fine coming down.
I followed my daily routine had a quick shower and i was down for my so called breakfast or brunch by 12:05 in a blue track suit and hair tied up in a messy bun.
Finally you are here , i heard a familiar male voice i turned back to see rey in casuals he was an indian version of greek god any girl could start drooling over him within the snap of fingures but why i am thinking this. God this guy will drive me nuts but why i am constantly thinking about him but the nerve of that man he smirked at me turned and walked away ignoring me o god the nerve of this man but why the hell he is affecting me so much that i suddenly lost my apettite this stupid ego of mine.
I got up and refused food even i refused my cup of coffee . I cant right now trust my senses that i said no to the coffee that  i cant live without.
God help me .

  Now being pampered and tortured at the same time and after long hours of being sitting infront of the mirror with the team of people i stood up standing in front of the mirror appreciating their work they really did well.

Rey's pov

I was all dressed up to tie the knot of torture to that brat but it was time to drop the big bomb on her aswell because that siren needs to be tamed because if looks could kill i'll be dead by now .
I was looking around waiting for her to come and get over this thing bcoz her family and my mum are getting to excited for this arrangement and right at this moment i can affird so much of cheerfulness.
I was busy looking here abd there when i saw an angel gliding down the stares which took my breath away...

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