✅✅ chapter 19 - best night

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Shreya's pov

That devil was stairing at me like he was about to eat me any moment but I could sense something in his eyes but i want to suprise him by defeating him in his own game . I just wanted to crush him hard but damn my shoes really couldnt do something good but i must say this devil surely knows how to control pain as he didnt even uttered a word but my shortlived moment of joy was kille when Anamika called me because she saw my little misdeed but is just the begenning I wont stop for anything now until i make him realize who is the sore loser here . Then I was pulled to the bunch of youngsters which were throwing green non veg jokes but I coudnt control the blush to my cheeks and gave up blushing brightly like a tomato . As the day passed I was adviced to take rest I went inside my room stripped my clothes and went for a nice hot tub bath for quite sometime then after i dried myself and chose to wear a white cotton frock which ends mid thigh and is comfortable to sleep in . I was suddenly zoned out again when i felt hands wrapped around me . Those hands felt so good but at the same time it bought me out of thoughts that who was that . I turned around and I was about to scream when that stupid devil / my boss / future husband / sexy greek god kept his hand at my mouth but i bit him at his hand and he yelped slowly ' whats wrong with you women? ' . I was taken back by his words as i was shamelessly checking him out . I noticed the smirk on his face which made him look more enchanting and I did something that I should have not done .

Rey's pov

She smacked her lips on mine like there is no tomorrow I was taken back first but I enjoyed kissing her. Her kisses were so good that I never felt it was her 2nd 3rd time kissing . I lost all the control I had in my body and continued kissing this beautiful girl who looked like an angel in white . After a long day today I went in my room I showered and relaxed after changing into some random pjs but suddenly I smelle this amazing fragrance which was pulling me to itself . when I REACHED THE BALCONY i knew where it was coming from and after 10 seconds of introspection with myself I decided to jump to the other side no matter what and fortunately for me the door was ajar . so i quietly opened it and saw a beautiful room and followed the fragrance inside the walk in closet where she was standing in sheer white frock which hardly covered anything but her sexy white lacey lingerie and I wrapped my hands around her curvy waste and you know what happened next .

I caried her from the closet to her bed not breaking the momentum of kisses she gave in really easily but its not like that I complain but the gentleman inside me stopped and she looke confused and cute but i told her to wear something decent so that i dont lose my control again and come out we need to talk . She covered herself with a ivory white sil robe reaching her knees an walked out still sexy but I will try to control myself .

We were quite for sometime until I spoke up .

I am sorry for what you saw that day and then my sudden outburst actually that day after returning from meeting you I was really excited and waiting for you and suddenly series of events happened that were not suppose to happen and I assure you I have never cheated on you from the day we met at your home . That day an even yesterday I just agitated because of your attitude because nobody challenges me I am quite used to the fact everybody doing what I say and you out of nowhere barge in my life to teach me right and wrong . These things take time and I am willing to change for a better future but i need time and your suppport understanding . 

She didnt say anything for like 5 seconds and then she said I am sorry for misbehaving as well but I am willing to give you a chance to show my support but you need to work hard to build up your trust and I am also sorry for kissing you like a mad woman but my hormones got the best of me .

I laughed and said if this is your hormones in control my lady then I want your hormones to take control of you when I am around but only me I hugged her when I saw her blushing because of me .

We talked for like the whole night until the sun started rising and we went on flirting occasionaly kissing each other , flirting and I had the best night till date while being awake ;-)

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