✅chapter-24 Some kind of an epilogue✅

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Shreya's Pov

I streched my body after having a long night with my husband . I know what you are wondering . Now I understood why all those girls used to cling back to Rey he looks amazing , deep pockets like very deep literally and he is amazing in bed .

Yes we got married with the whole pomp and show the event was successful and everything turned out right , atleast its for now. Before the wedding I had this heart to heart conversation with my mother which I think is a mandatory ritual . She was here to have "the talk" with me since she thought her vergin daughter needs to have it like she had when she got married to my father but she forgot time is moving fast . I somehow doged the topic but what turned out next made me remember that no matter what you do, where you go or even in the darkest room of your life there will be someone holding a candle , showing you light when you will turn around and it will be none other than your mum.

We somehow managed to squeeze out of the hectic wedding planning but I think that conversation what I had with her mad me realize that how ungrateful was i to her all those years back even it was unintentional but she never stopped loving me .

I was pulled back from my thoughts when I heard the alarm go . I was about to put it off which was lying on my bedside because i remember not putting an alarm to getup early especially when I am on vacaion even Rey refrained from work for the next 5 days when suddenly a hand got me and pinnedme down to the bed.

So wifey Rey said, u waisted my efforts.

What efforts Mr.husband? I asked being pretty much clueless.

Rey came close to my ear , " After last night of your loud screaming and you felt asleep I couldnt get you out of my system so i wanted the morning dose of you so I can have you before our next plan without being late but its good u r awake before the alarm "

I blushed like somebody has painted my cheeks red while he was taking advantage of the situation but who ama I to complain when I was the one having fun.

My husband has not yet taken his so called revenge for the stunt I pulled of in the car but he doesnt fails to remind me that he wont forget about it smirking saying u'll know .


We are back from rey's private island which he gifted me as a wedding present I wanted a Harry Winston choker but he said I have a whole lifetime with him to rip him off till his last penny so who am I to complain . So after 10 days of relaxing from the wedding , watersports , long walks and mostly lovemaking we are back .

Now I officially stay with Rey and his mom but I'll prefer saying only with Rey because she is so excited for our wedding that she gives us a lot of alone time so that we can make her a grandmother soon. Well she wont mind me working but she has refrained me from working for like next 2 months as she says you only get married once and this maritial bliss in the begining is the most beautiful thing so she wants me to enjoy it . She said a year but it was hard negotiating with the mother of " The Reyhansh Singhania" but i bought her down to 2 months . Well if you are wondering how than I made her a proposal for a grandchild within 2 years which was 5 before.

She is not against with me working but she wants both me and Rey to live a little because according to her we both are workholics and thats true I agree with that but Rey undoubtly works so hard for this empire even if he is born with the golden spoon in his mouth he himself has worked his butt off to keep that spoon remain where it was.

I never expected my life will turnout like this but hey who 's complaing ? not me atleast but am I stuck in an epilogue with a happy ending or is it any kind of a silence before an unexpected devastating strom? FINGRES CROSSED

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