✅✅ chapter - 12 ( futuretalks )

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Shreya ' s pov

"Being upto the mark" he said quite seductively which gave me all goosebumps how is it possible??the man i used to hate so much hAd such An effect on me . Gosh these stupid felings i cursed myself And gathered myself completely to ask him certain things .
So rey, i said " lets get things cleared before it causes a mess in anyone's life"

Sure princess what do want to talk about he asked me ??
I replied us..
He gave me a poker face and said what about us??

I know i am not as young , i may look confident and strong from outside but i am very fragile at heart , i am very emotional and sometimes in the heat of the moment i get careied away i dont think i deserve to be your wife you need someone strong inside out and a beautiful women right next to your arm and i definetely doesnot stand a chance and all of this is happening so quick that i dont think i am mentally prepare to satisfy your physical needs afterall you are a man and u also have needs but i dont think i am ready for any of these . I dont think i deserve a man like you i know you are a cassanova but i also know you are gem of a person you dont show bur you do a lot to help others without caring for appreciAtion or publicity like other wealthy people and i am such an self obsessed girl i dont know what to do?
Yesterday i said yes, but while coming here i realize i dont think so we can get married and spend rest of our lives together.
I kept on speaking And he was looking me with mixed reactions he didnt expected that i will burst out with so many emotions so after i finished he stared at me for the moment nd spoke " if you are done than its my turn to speak and i dont want any interuption in between i nodded but we were interrupted as our food came in and as soon as he left he gestured me to start eating but i couldnt so he sighed and said " shreya we can continue this but you first start eating " then i picked up my fork and started eating atleast i tried eating but couldnt take down my food .
Then he spoke while eating " you know my mother wanted you to be her daughter in law as soon as she saw you because she was mesmerized by your look and personality which i never noticed before but i refused because of our past but then she told me to find someone atleast half good as you are but i'll give you that if they were beautiful and confident then they were not kind hearted and if they were good at heart then they were not witty or smart and if they had all those qualities but they were not that brilliant who could tame me, i know its hard to accept but according to my mother and me you had all the qualities and i know princess you are good at heart , caring and the one who belong to me and i am not saying this because i want to marry you or something but because i know these words wont get to your head you are geninue not like other girls i have slept with they were ready to throw themselves over me whenever i want but u are a mystery my sunshine and i know it wont be too easy to make you admit that how much you find me hot " and he started laughing.
Very funny mr singhania but i still am hard to get and you still have to work hard .
He squeezed my hand and said u have a beautiful smile princess and suddenly my cheecks were on fire but i replied i really want to trust you with my life rey but just need some time with it.
No hurry, darling you have all the time in the world you want and i wont rush into any sort of things until you are ready but darling speaking of your body you have an amazing figure that girls die for and you are simply too perfect for me he said and i felt on 7th heaven but i resisted the urge to pull him in my arms and simply said thanks and started actually enjoying my pasta .
After an hour he asked me what were my plans than i told him to get to the office and get some work done before a long holiday.

You are going to work before wedding i thought someone as shoppoholic as you have lots of shopping to do he asked me in a amused tone.

I said yes i have a lot to do but my boss is a hard man and he wont appreciate if i went on a long holiday with pending work at my back.

Your boss , sounds tought why dont you try and seduce him he wont say you anything and i heard he is quite a ladies man .

Sure , mr i laughed out loud .
I will use this seduction tactics as well but in future now is really not a good time.

We both laughed and exited the hotel .

Come aling with me in my car from there you can pick your files and then go back ask your driver to tag along.

Noops, actually i have to collect jewellery from our jeweller than i'll come to the office and i dont want anyone to know until the official party and coming with you will be suspicious.

Yeah fine , he said annoyingly but please come make me a visit when you come or i have to ask my security to drag you in .

Ok, mr rude i'll do as you say .

Biee darling he kissed my cheek and left in his car and i sat in mine and instructed the driver to take me to the jeweller.

For the next 25 mins i was thinking about rey and what he spoke when i was buzzed out of my thoughts by a call when i checked the caller id it was my mother.
Yes mum i said,
Are you still with rehansh ??
No mum i left him 20 mins back now i am going to the store to place an order and then i'll go to the office to get some files.
You are soon going to get married and still you have work to do??whats wrong with you??
I replied, i just love doing work and your future son in law has no issues with it so please mom chill . Now i have to go i'll be back in an hour or too and ask the boys if they want something i'll get it for them.
Fine, do whatever you want i'll ask them and text you take care ms stubborn.
Biee mom ... I said and disconnected the call while walking in the store.
The owner recognized me, as our family was his most loyal customer his most of the income was because of my family because my family likes to show off and what could be the better way to showoff by gifting gold and diamonds as gift from one of the best shops in delhi.

Welcome dear , he invited me politely and asked me to sit .
Your father called me , he told me you have some special jewellery request is it because you are finally getting married.
I said no uncle , nothing like that its my cousins wedding next week and i am preety much excited for this i denied it because i dont want to accept it now.

So you want customised jewellery or you want to see our pieces .
After 30 mins of looking and selecting i got my self a complete jewel collection from head to toe some pieces i selected and for some i placed an order and asked him to send the big fat bill and jewellery by tomorrow noon to uncle . I know they wont say me anything because i am the bride and i deserve to be pampered .
Then i left the shop and asked him to drive my way to the office . It wasnt the first time i was going to office but this time i was not getting a good feeling.

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