✅✅ chapter - 10 favours

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Shreya's pov

I was still trying to figure out that what was about to happen next because at the age of 25 I still couldnt figure out that if I was ready for the marriage but life had definitely different plans for me.
Trying to digest these worries and thoughts I went on dodging my future husband because it was a lot to take in and he was pretty annoyed with it which I definitely enjoyed .
So I decided to dodge him at the dinning table as well I chose a seat next to my auntie and a bit far from him which clearly irritated him but my happiness was short lived when my dad asked me to sit next to him which he enjoyed and he ended up smirking towards me.
Wow great , I thought to myself .
I made my way next to him but he grabbed my hand under the table I tried to snatch it away but his grip was too strong that I decided to give up my meal and I stood up from the dinning table . Everybody looked up to me that how the hell I finished my food that early but I replied I think I am pretty full with the appetizers that I had before I was about to walk out when my grandad instructed .

After Rey finishes take him to stroll around the garden and its rude to stand up so its better you sit and accompany us with your wedding ideas.

Yes , Shreya mom asked ( Rey's mother )
Do you have any special preference for jewellery outfits or arrangements.
I sat down beside him again and kept both my hands on the table and excitedly joined her for my favourite topic.
I love heavy tradition jewellery in gold and kundan but I love sleek contemporary diamond jewellery as well.
Dear you quite have a taste for jewels, she said.
I chuckled, but how do you want your engagement ring .
I thought for a while and then said " never thought about it but I would like to have a look at everything before choosing it because I am stuck with it for ever.
Everyone laughed , then Rey's mum spoke up then why dont you and Rey go together and pick out your rings tomorrow .
Tomorrow , dont you think we have time for this .
My uncle then said , no actually you dont have any time today is tuesday and by thursday we are going to our hometown and on friday we'll conduct a small event of your 'rauka' and on saturday after celebrating diwali and luxmi poojan we will be back by sunday noon because we have to announce your wedding by throwing a grand party and so on.
I chocked on my breath while sipping water.
What? you have planned that far it was very quick dont you think and what about the boys they are coming here this friday how can they attend the cermony when they will be exhausted as hell.
My mom replied , who said they are coming on friday they are coming today ! We wanted to surprise you dear but the situation demanded it and they'll be home by midnight and coincidently today .
Another bomb, for the day I thought to myself so Ms Shreya Joshi pull up your socks you will be officially stuck with your boss from this freaking friday I hardly have 3 days in my hand just wow.
By the time I again digested everything Rey finished his dear and he was observing me pretty intensely that I spoke up to get his attention ' is certain maths problem written on my face that you are trying to figure it out that intensely' I spoke in a low tone .
No, he answered you are something different to understand now lets go for a walk I am dying to explore your estate .
We both stood up and left the elders with their conversation .
We both were silent until we reached pool from where the moon looks beautiful and mesmerizing I usually come here to praise the beauty of nature .
The moon looks beautiful from here I spoke yeah it does he said looking at me .

 I noticed him looking at me by his reflection from the water in pool and I blushed . This is new I thought , I never blush not in front of anyone but I did . This guy has definitely some effect on me . Suddenly shiver ran down my spine ,when he kissed my cheecks and he said seductively in my ear 'beautiful' .

I looked at him gathering all my scattered senses which was affected by him " what was that? "
Nothing , he chuckled but if you like that it could be something .
You perv , you cant control your balls till the wedding can you ?
He laughed aloud , I am not a pervert I am just showing my future wife the teaser that how can I love you .
Yeah right , like anything i murmured .

So are you a virgin he spoke ?
I answered sarcastically , naah I am not I had slept with many guys before . My count of men can definitely put your count of women to shame .
And I am now scared of catching STD from you he spoke and started laughing.
Then why were you asking such questions whose answer you already know ?
He again laughed and said ," nothing but you are very amusing Ms sassy but I want to try something before I leave today "
I was about to ask what when his red lips crashed into mine , I tried to resist but I cant so I gave in , I was lost in the heat of the moment he wanted to slide his tongue into mine but I resisted on kissing me but as soon as I gave up his tongue slid into mine everything moved in sync and we both fought for dominance but he eventually won but I didnt mind because I enjoyed this sensation and we kept on kissing each other till we were breathless and then we pulled apart .
He said smirking at me are you sure it was your first kiss because you are actually good at it .
I laughed , do you doubt that .
He chuckled , no I like that actually that I got your first taste and I only want to be the last.
I was so blown away by his words that I kissed his cheeck and started to walk towards the house. This feeling o my god I love it.
You really enjoyed it didnt you I heard him speaking and jogging towards me.
Even if I did I wont admit so no need to get any high hopes boss.
That means you loved it darling , and whats with the boss you can call me Rey now he said .
Actually I will prefer calling you boss until the official announcement till the party but by then please dont tell anyone about us in the office , please I want to surprise all of them.
Ok as you say milady,but you have to pay for this to me in kisses he said giving me a smugy smile .
In your dreams Mr I said and went inside the house where everyone was waiting for us in the drawing room with desert in their hands discovering memories and old pictures.
Omg old pictures.

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