✅✅ chapter 21- payback

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Shreya's POV

Last night was quite overwhelming  all of us came late but I was to lazy and tired to note the time so I just stripped off my clothes and laid in my  bed after the long hectic week and when I woke up it was 4 in the evening. I looked at myself I was a mess after last night my hair were all over , my makeup was smudged and I slept in my unergarments . I am not a person who sleeps with only panties and bra but last night I was too damn exhausted to change . I quickly went in had an relaxing shower and came out of my room finally in white shots and a dark grey hoodie .

My brothers were still sleeping , my mom and aunt were doing chores around the house an well my father , granfather and uncle were indulged in different works.

I was greeted by a loud voice "good morning sleeping beauty its 4:30 now , quite a time to wakeup".

I replied , I was tired and well your beloved sons are still sleeping.

My auntie responded, darling they are on their vacation and you are soon to bride who has a lot to do.

Yeah right I replied, suddenly it striked me shit I have to catch dinner with Rey tonight .

rey--Good morning beautiful😊

rey--Still asleep you sleepyhead.

rey--Hope you are not tired after last night you have to buildup a lot of stamina with me to keep up long nights with me baby girl😘

rey--Hope you remember our dinner tonight . I'll pick you up at 8:30

me--Just woke up you dirty man. I'll be ready and how can you wake up that early dont you feel tired.

rey--No I am an early riser baby girl , but if you are ready to put up with me then we can both work on our sleeping habbits together.

me--You are too much pick me up at 8:30.
me--Biee 😏

I immediatly called my father and he picked up after 2 rings.

Finally you are awake, my father said . Popsiee, I asked politely I have a dinner to catch up with an egoistic man . Can I go???

My father replied, baby do this egoistic man happens to be my future son in law??

I was shocked but after two seconds I replied yes.

He started laughing yes you can go actually he came in the morning and asked our permission.

wow he has some guts.

I was ready till 8:25 and suddenly the bell rang I walked out of the room and saw him coming inside his well built frame lean body. He looked too yummy in grey shirt tucked inside trousers.

I walked up to him and tried to avoid looking at him but it was hard.

We waved everybody goodbye and left.

Where are we going? I asked him by looking at the window as I didnt want to give him the satisfaction of boosting his ego .

You will know he said by the way red suits you.

I looked at myself but I was wearing black.

Mr . Singhania are you color blind or something I am wearing black from top to bottom and from outside to inside. Thankyou for telling me that and he started laughing and then I suddenly realized shit.

Where are we going I asked him because the area was quite and he was not answering.

Suddenly he pulled over the car and stepped out .

You know if you are trying to kill me then I really dont want such a death .

He laughed and gestured me to comeout.

Baby girl if anyone who is being killed and tortured is than its me. He pulled me to him and now I was sitting over his lap in the car at my seat. Baby girl I love you over me. By the way in the noon when I came to your house I went inside your room to meet you but I was delighted by the sight I saw. I saw a angel spraweled out on bed with red lace. Trust me , if your family wont be there than I could have taken you there but I am very dissappointed in you . How can you sleep like that??Its not that I am complaining I would like you to sleep with me like that even better naked but only me . what if someone barges in and sees you like this??Before he could say anything else I smacked my lips with his and we kissed like no tomorrow .His hands were roaming everywhere. He unzipped my dress a bit till my boobs came into view because I was wearing no bra . I saw his pleased eyes . He started playing with them kissing me everywhere leaving love bites and then he started going up and when he finally reached my lips he kissed me hard out of passion , lust and love . H e looked into my eyes and said ' babygirl , as much as I want it we have to wait or my mother and your family will casterate me alive and we both are too hungry .

I laughed and asked him to zip my dress from back .

He replied baby sorry cant help or I'll loose it. I huffed in annoyance an shifted to the back seat.

Fine you are not helping me I will not help you either.

He chuckled , why do you think I need your help and I smirked you will see.

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