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a few days passes and we all have own routines. Leon and Whilem go to work at like 9 am and I go by 11 am. We all come back at 5/6 pm and my sister goes to work at 7 pm and come back at 3 am, but sometimes she stays at her friends house.
Me and Bill have been texting for a few days, not everyday tho. It's nice talking to him when sober; he apologised so many times even tho he doesn't remember, that's cute.

Now I'm at work talking to a customer; she wants a belly button piercing, a clever choice, it suits her.


I'm now at home and laying on the couch while eating strawberries. Meanwhile i'm also talking to Bill.

<what about we meet again? this friday>
he suggests

<sounds like a good idea to me, but I don't know if the others are free. My sister has work, Whilem has a date and Leon has a shift till 10 pm> I say i
with a sad voice

<oh what a pitty> he says. I can hear that he's a little disappointed. I feel bad now

<but I'm free> i say out of instinct

<really?> his tone changes

<yeah! it's gonna be fun.>

<mhm! but gustav and georg are not gonna be there with us> he informs


<because they wanted to watch this movie that just came out>

<oh alright! then just me, you and Tom>

I hear him mumble something.

<what was that?> I ask

<oh nothing. I gotta go now. See you on Friday?>

<yes, 5 pm is ok for you?>

<it's perfect. Now byee>


he hang up and I turn off my phone. I smile. He's so sweet.

Suddenly i hear the front door opening. It's Whilem and he looks pissed.

«some kid threw paint on the window shop»

«well that's unfortunate»

«yeah well i threw on of the kids in the trash bin with out anyone noticing. I even covered mh face so he couldn't recognise me»

I make a confused face. What the fuck.

«that's illegal i think»I say

He shrugs and walks to the kitchen.
It's not the first time he does that. He once got sued and almost arrested. I did something similar, but with my sister and we were minors so the didn't do anything. lmao.

«Good morning beautiful people!»
My sister comes to the living room and sits next to me. She has messy hair and the same pajama she has been using for like a week.

«you going to work?» i ask

she nods her head «I need to get ready soon»

I nod and pat her head.

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