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«Bye bill!» Jules screams. I just wave at him.

«Yo what the hell happened last night?» My sister asks me while jumping to the kitchen. I sit on the couch trying to get my shit together. 

«Fuck I kissed Bill» I say, hands on my head

«HA gay ass» My sister jokes while she sits next to me. She turns on the TV and put on South Park. I kissed bill. My ex best friend's brother, my childhood friend, my homie, my bro. What the hell.

«Yo y/n!» I hear someone calling «How did it go?» Whilem asks

«He kissed Bill!» Jules butts in. I push her on the shoulder and she just giggles 

«for reals? bro fuck you. I owe your sister 50 bucks now» Whilem takes out some cash

«You made a bet?» I ask in shock. They just nod. I sigh and start to relax on the couch, I close my eye and control my breath

I'll just text him


I wait a few minutes for an answer 


<so about last night> 


< i'm sorry>

B<its ok>

B<do you regret ut tho?> 

I think about it and..

<nah not really>

B<oh, same!>

<oh..hahaha I was getting anxious and thought that things were gonna get weir between us> 

I text to him, sharing my paranoia

B<nah haha, well I gtg now, byee>

<bye :)>

I put my phone down and smile, knowing that he doesn't think I'm weird. I hear whispering behind me so I turn around just to find Whilem and Jewels. I look at them and they look at me. Were they reading the conversation all this time?


«Just don't» I say. Jules just nods and sits back down on the couch


It's 7pm. My sister just. went to work so it's only me and boys. Leon bought us some food from his work so we didn't need to cook.

«So how was your date y/n?» Leon asks. I just shrug, knowing that Whilem is gonna answer for me

«They kissed?» Exactly.

«Who kissed who?» 

«Y/n kissed Bill» Whilem says

«no Bill kissed me and I kissed back» I explain

«It doesn't matter, I'm happy for you tho» Leon says with a big smile

«Who told you I liked it?» I say in a serious tone. His smile fades and he let's out a small "oh"

«Dumbass I was joking» I laugh. Sometimes he can be slow. He let's out a sigh and then flips me off. 

We finish eating and wash the dishes,we talk about our day, sometimes they tease me about last night, we talk about what we're going to do tomorrow and then we choose to watch a movie. "White chicks" I love that movie, Jules forced Whilem to pretend to be a white woman once, it was the best day of my life fr. While we prepare the popcorns and other snacks, Leon asks me something..

 «Do you like Bill?»

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