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«Y/n?» Leon snap hi fingers in my face multiple times

I shake my head a little and finally answer his question

«I..Don't know» He looks at me with a the rock face

«Bitch that's not an answer» he says

«Well I jus-»

Suddenly Whilem calls us with these exact words "let's go gays, stop sucking dick and start watching white chicks, HA it even rhymes"

We exit the kitchen and sit next to him on the couch. The movie starts playing but I can't focus at all because of the question Leon made me before.

Well I used to like him but I don't know if I still do, even a little bit. It's been so long since then and I was still a kid so, many fo my middle school crushes are pretty irrelevant. I need to talk about it to someone, not Leon because he's literally real life gossip girl and Whilem would just tease me, my sister tho, she could be helpful but I just can't walk into a strip club and vent all my problems to almost naked ladies. (my brother once did this😭)

«Yo Y/n, you good?» Whilem asks

«mh yeah no sorry, my head hurts so I'll just go sleep, good night» I say, obviously lying.

The two boys waved me goodbye and returned to watch the comedy.

Before actually going to sleep I text my sister

<jules, I have to tell you something>

Not expecting her to reply I close my eyes and drift myself to sleep.

I hear a knock on my door, then another, then another one again. I open my eyes and look at the door which was open, a silhouette next to it.

With wide eyes I say «wassup»

«Tired as fuck»

«Oh shit it's you Jewels, god I thought you were a demon or something» I turn on the light of the lamp on my nightstand

«rude but ok, what did you need to talk about?» she says while taking off her heels

«right uhh, remember when I had that crush on Bill?»she nods «ok so last night when me Tom and Bill went out, Tom left us because he met a girl and well..me and bill kissed and I don't know if i like him still or not» I say in one breath. She stares at me for a while until

«you want a beer?» I just nod in response. I know its only 5 am but I need something in my system right now.

«so your telling me that your having a crisis because of a crush?» she says, opening a can of beer and handing it to me.

«yeah but it's also because I don't want to make things akward between me and him by liking him or not liking him, I AAGH it's so annoying»

«maybe you're just overthinking y/n, just talk to him about it, communication is key» I nod and think about her words. Maybe she's right, I am overthinking.

Suddenly we hear a groan and a few steps coming towards the kitchen «why the fuck are y'all drinking at 5 am?» Whilem, the only maniac who wakes up this early.

(Hallo everyone, I know it's been a while but I had some problems and I didn't have any motivation at all, sorry :'). Btw I noticed that in tiktok there's a beef between kpop stans and and tokio hotel fans and it's so stupid. They're comparing two different worlds and styles, saying which one is better by their looks and popularity, i hope none of my readers are like this and if you are then be better please. Ok byeee)

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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