Man From The Falls

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"Noah...Noah...NOAH!" 25-year-old Ben Hudson loved his little brother more than life itself. He would fight off an army if it met keeping Noah safe. He's grown more and more protective ever since their parents' death last year. He tried keeping calm whenever Noah refused to talk or enjoy bonding adventures. Today, Ben's struggling. They planned a short trip to visit Niagara Falls and his little one showed no interest in going despite their bags packed and halfway finished driving.

"Noah, please take out the headphone." Ben nudged 14-year-old Noah into the passenger seat.

"Sorry..." Noah apologized. The boy was rather skinny, he had curly hair and green eyes. Ben on the other hand stood tall, highly in shape, and kept his hair cut short. "I...was listing to...nothing."

"Nothing?" Ben asked. The two brothers weren't always close or still. Ben's several years old and he left home while going. He rarely visited him or called much. Being a full-time college student, unfortunately, took a chunk of Ben's time. Whenever not studying, Alex Swan controlled the older brother's life. Alex and Ben used to date. The longer they dated, the more Alex took control. He determined whether Ben could call home if he could eat certain foods, if he allowed to meet friends. Took two years of a relationship to make Ben learn his relationship wasn't healthy. He called off their relationship and returned home where even the worst moment waited. Shortly after returning home, Ben and Noah's parents were killed in a car wreck. Without another choice, the older Hudson brother legally became Noah's guardian. They've lived together an entire year together and it still feels Noah's pulling away.

"Uh-huh...I'll...put them away." Noah said and shoved his headphones into his Micky Mouse backpack.

"Excited to see some cool falls?" Ben tried approaching a positive conversation.

"Water is water..."

"Yeah, but water flowing off freaking falls?! Gotta admit it's pretty cool!"


"Bro, aren't ya a tad excited? Even a tiny, smidge amount of happiness?" Ben pinched his fingers nearly close together dramatically.

"I haven't..." he hesitated. "yeah...somewhat thrilled..." Noah's lips attempted a quick smile.

God, Ben wishes he could shrink Noah to two inches and keep him inside his front pocket. At least he know his brother would be safe. Sheltered from the world and all its cruelty. Unfortunately, life's not a fairy tale: there aren't fairy godmothers, magical swords, beanstalks, or brave knights to help make a happy ending. Ben had hoped Noah didn't have to learn that lesson so young.

"I bet your friends will be jealous." The older brother said.

"Don't have any."

Ben's face scrunched at Noah's words "What? Bro, what about Jude, Evan? Gavin? All those guys from the soccer team?"

"Jude's a spoiled soccer player, Evan's just the couch, he's friends with everyone so he doesn't count and Gavin quit last week. I'm jealous."

"If this is an attempt to quit the team I won't—"

"B...but...Ben...I hate it. They won't miss if I drop."

"Not a chance. Practice starts next week and sure as hell you'll be there."

"Ugh!" Noah squealed. " and were here instead of....." he stopped, eyes shut tight. "Sorry..."

Ben gulped, he wouldn't openly say he agreed. Ben was never prepared to tackle such big responsibilities as raising a child; no doubt he's trying and can't blame Noah for feeling angry about how the world screwed them both over.

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