Carlos Fights

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Noah failed. He failed! He had one job! Keep Carlos and Ben apart! Last night when those two announced they were baking together, his plans began to crumble! He was smart and knew Ben was crushing hard on their new friend. He planned to sabotage them, but he wanted cake. The immediate stomach and failed plan were worth it.

"Ughhhhh...." He rolled over the following morning. Okay, not worth it.  With the sun rising, Ben and Carlos were still likely asleep and Noah wasted no time crafting a scheme to keep them from kissing. He would hate living a normal life knowing full well there are other realms worth discovering! Who wants an office job when you can slay dragons, cross deadly seas, and meet heroes?! 

If any dramatic teen show taught him anything, Noah should have an entire year's worth of B.U.T: Break up training. Okay, an awful plan name but good enough for now.

Noah noticed fictional couples fighting about the dumbest stuff. His mom and dad argued about who was the messiest or who snored the loudest. These arguments result in being annoyed by the other person's quirks. Ben has loads of quirks.

The teen opened his nightstand drawer, grabbing an ink pen and a thick notebook. His writings and drawings were scattered throughout random pages. He flipped and flipped and stopped at an empty page. He labeled a column: Ben's Super Annoying Habits!

The ideas came pouring and within minutes he wrote an entire list:

1. Snoring
2. Gurgling mouthwash
3. Horrible sense of humor (who even thinks Adam Sandler is funny?)
4. Awful cook
5. Road Rage
6. Think sports are incredible
7. Bad music taste
8. Thinks he can sing
9. Pick the worst activities
10. Clothing. Enough said.

"What ya writing?" Ben knocked and entered Noah's room.

Number 11, entering without permission. 


"Stuff? What sort of stuff? Let me see." Before Ben grabbed the notebook, Noah panicked and threw it. The thick book whacked an entering Carol's face with a booming thud.

"Owwwww." Carlos rubbed his throbbing nose.

"NOAH!" Ben berated.

"Wasn't my fault your boyfriend walked in without permission!"

"HE ISN'T...he isn't my boyfriend."

Noah's quick side eye showed Carlos flinching at Ben's words.

"Sorry, Carlos." Noah apologized.

"For a tiny person, you have a great toss." Carlos wiggled onto the bed between the two brothers.

"What were you hiding?" Ben pressed.


"He's a bad liar," Carlos added.

"I... had to ask Carlos a question. I was wondering if the two of us can hang out together?" Noah said. "I was writing a list of fun activities."

Carlos and Ben did a half frown. Carlos started talking first. "Oh, me and Ben planned a day together. He was coming here to tell you."

WHAT?! That's completely unfair! He can't do this! He can't take away his friend! GOD, BEN RUINED EVERYTHING! BEN ALWAYS PUSHED HIM ASIDE.

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