We Need Him

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It was official. Carlos was the best at making humans pass out. Let's check how badly I screwed up today: reveal my identity to Noah immediately after the meeting, caused a scene at a gift shop, convinced Ben to help me, attempted to believe in magic, and caused a fight between the brothers. Worst of all, he grew into a giant and scared the hell out of his tiny friends. Doing great, Carlos.

"Pssst...guys?" Carlos was careful. Humans were indeed tiny. Fragile. One wrong move and splat! He stood 106ft tall. His hands and feet size of cars. There was something about hovering over Noah and Ben. They seemed so vulnerable. Carlos felt a lump from within his throat. He mentally prepared himself to be hated: no doubt Ben would allow Carlos to hang out anymore. Ben will drag Noah away, keeping a long distance from the big bad scary giant. He wouldn't even blame their reactions. Carlos is a giant, not a human. Gosh, why did I think this was ever a good idea?

Could he shout? Get the witch's attention? Go home and pretend he never left home? What if King Nash learned where Carlos went? How would Anna react? The giant's hands covered his face, and he groaned defeated.

"Oww.....my head...." Noah slowly gained consciousness. He wiggled around, slowly rising. Little Hudson lost balance and tripped.
Funny, swore I witnessed Carlos grow into a giant. Haha, how silly. Noah rose, his legs wobbled and buckled. "Ahh!"' He tipped over, slamming against something soft and firm. Huh? What an interesting tree! Large, tan coloring and looks identical to a foot—oh.

"Holy.Shit." Noah walked back till Carlos's face was easily seen. The massive man blocked out the moon, if the giant moved, the ground crunched and gave a light shake.

"Noah, I won't hurt you." Carlos's voice was a louder, deeper rumble. He lowered his titan body, knees bent and open palms pressed down crushing branches. His face hovered slightly above Noah, the boy could have easily reached out and touched. Instead, he remained frozen.

Noah wasn't super afraid. Shocked above all else. Reading Jack and the Beanstalk underestimated the overwhelming emotions of meeting a giant. Unlike those story giants, Carlos hasn't kidnapped him, threatened him, or eaten him. If Mom was alive today, she would've been thrilled. Those bedtime stories were real, all she believed was true. All I believe is true. Reaching out, Noah's hand laid flat on the giant's nose. Carlos exhaled through his nose and the gust blew Noah's messy curly hair back. "Woah...." His mouth dropped open. He was amazed. His life was changed forever. How would he ever adjust to returning to a basic minders lifestyle knowing full well magic and other realms are real? If Carlos failed to fulfill his deal, Noah can leave behind his town and his generic life. It's all he has wanted. An adventure worth exploring and a dream worth living for.

"I...I can't believe...." He breathed slowly. "Can't believe...I'm touching a...giant."

"Believe it," Carlos said.

"Oh...oh my god haha," Noah said as he hugged the massive nose. He all of a sudden felt himself going higher and higher. He held tighter, pulling himself onto the nose and sitting between Carlos's eyes. The giant was at full height.

Noah began crying.

"Noah-Noah? What's the matter? Did I scare you?"

"No...I'm happy..." Noah hiccuped.

"You don't sound happy."

"I am....my mom...she would've loved this...I wished...I wished she could see me..." Noah sniffled cuddling again Carlos's warm skin.

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