Chapter 2

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I parked the truck and grabbed the bags. Riley followed me happily as I headed inside. I put the meat into the fridge and walked back out with the seeds.

The garden was my favorite spot. It was fenced off from everything else and sat in the corner of the property. There was a fountain that was connected to a well in the middle which I used to water my plants. Each plant has its own planter box which sits in rows from each other. Vines wrapped around the fence. The entrance of the garden had a metal half circle thing that the vines had begun to take over giving the place a fairy-like feeling.

The planter boxes were bare except for a few winter plants that had continued to grow through the beginning of spring. I hummed a tune as I walked through to the back of the garden. Riley laid down on a flat stone as I began to plant the seeds I bought.

The sun had begun to go down and I swiped my now sweaty forehead. I had planted all the seeds for the spring foods. I sat back and admired my work. Sure only a few sprouts were visible but nonetheless it was beautiful. I hadn't planted the flowers yet. I was going to wait till later in hopes they grow this time.

"Riley, let's head over and feed the chickens and sheep." I called out to her. When I was younger a few people from town gave me some sheep and chickens in order to make money and since then I had kept them breeding and when they were grown I would bring them to Freddy and have them sold and butchered. It was a good gig and it kept a few extra bucks in my pocket.

They had their own pen opposite of the garden. I kept them in a pen together and they all got along pretty well. I had about ten chickens and three laying hens for eggs. I had seven sheep, three babies and four adults. Their pen was all grass and some wild wheat that was growing. They had a full acre of land to their disposal with a small open barn at the entrance. The barn held grain for the chickens and some bales of hay I got delivered from Bill for the sheep.

Riley began to chase a few sheep around, expending energy. I grabbed handfuls of grain and spread it around feeding the chickens. Then taking an arm full of hay and tossing it for the sheep.

"Riley!" I called. She had run all the way to the end of the field. I laughed as she launched herself around and rolled in the grass. Her tail wagged as she sneezed. "Let's go girl, time for dinner!" I called. Riley perked up at the sound of dinner. She began to book it to the house and I followed shortly behind her.

Inside I began to prepare dinner for both Riley and I. During the spring and summer I would eat outside and enjoy the setting sun. It made me feel alive and free. The feeling of being my own person and living the way I wanted to.

As I finished making my dinner I brought Riley's bowl outside along with my plate. I set it down and Riley began chowing down on the lamb I had bought. I enjoyed some pork chops and vegetables.

I took in all the sounds and smells as I ate. The birds chirped around creating sweet melodies. An owl could be heard in the distance. A small cool breeze flew through moving the leaves off some of the trees.

Just as I finished my food I leaned back in my chair. I closed my eyes but then I heard the sound of tires against the rocky road. I sat up immediately earning the attention of Riley. Her ears perked up as she watched the road as well. Suddenly two military jeeps began to go down the road. I stiffened at the sight. Suddenly they stopped in front of my driveway.

I stood up and Riley began to growl and she stood up with me. The passenger door opened on one of the jeeps. A bulky looking guy stepped out.

The man was clearly heavy set. He had all camo on along with a green balaclava covering his face besides his eyes. He had a bulky figure but he wasn't fat. Clearly he had muscles as his clothes formed around them. He was maybe 6'5 and made my fence look like a child's toy.

My heart quickened as he noticed me. He began walking up to my gate and Riley barked and growled but kept next to me. Her fur is standing up. I froze in my place deciding on what I should do.

"Hello" His voice was deep, like super deep. It caused me to shake slightly. I nodded toward him but didn't say anything. "We are looking for a piece of land but we can't seem to find it." He held a paper in his hand. He sounded sincere so I cautiously walked down the steps slowly toward him. Riley stayed next to me. She was snarling at the man.

As I neared him I felt small and fragile like. He stood outside my fence not daring to enter. I took the paper and looked over the information. I recognized it as the piece of property an old man owned before dying a few months back. It was a huge piece of property. About 20 acres.

"Do you happen to know where it is?" He asked. His voice still shook me. "Yes if you follow this road about five or so miles down there's a long driveway to your right. On the property there is a farmhouse that looks like it hasn't been used in a while. There will be a small dark wooden shack with the roof caved in. That's the property." I handed him back the paper.

"Thank you." He said. His eyes lingered on me for another few seconds before a yell came from one of the jeeps. "You got it!" A man called from an open window. "Yeah!" The tall man said. Before leaving quickly. I stole one more glance from him before he got back into the jeep and they drove off.

I breathed out in relief. My hands were shaky but I felt I held my own and didn't look scared. Thinking back on the man now he wasn't all bad. Well sure I didn't know what he looked like but he was kinda my type. I liked bulky men but my town never got many of those. I felt my face grow hot in his eyes. They were beautiful green and gray colors. The way they lingered on me before he walked away. I secretly hoped to see him again.

I walked back up my porch steps. The sun had disappeared behind the horizon and the world had grown dark. Riley walked into my room and fell asleep at the edge of my bed.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth before going to the living room and picking out a book to read. "This one looks interesting." I picked out a brown and gold colored book. There was no title which just seemed to intrigue me further.

I walked back to my room and got comfortable under the blankets. The only noise was Riley's soft snores, owls hooting in the distance, and me turning the pages of my book.

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