Chapter 1

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Growing up alone in the countryside of Russia had its lonely times but I loved it. Every morning the sun peeked through my mesh curtains creating an orange color to seep into my room. Birds and toads could be heard outside my window.

I lived on the outskirts of a small farming town. I owned about four acres of farmland. I didn't farm much, only enough to keep me and the few animals I owned alive. Once a week I would go into town and buy some essentials but other than that I was completely alone.

I had a brother my age . He was the light of my parents' life. He was smart and gifted. All my parents could do was fawn over how smart he was. I was always left out. When my parents found the time they taught me everything I knew, which wasn't much. At the age of fifteen one night I was sleeping like normally when I heard our screen door open and shut. I thought nothing of it and continued to sleep. Only when I woke up there was no one in sight. My parents were gone along with all their clothes, some jewelry, documents and most importantly my brother. From that point on I was alone. I figured out how to live through the winters and summers with help from people in the town.

I'm now 24 and still living in that same house. I've never moved nor do I think I'm going to. My life was simple and I was grateful for it. I had everything I needed, food, a few people I knew in town, and the ability to fend for myself.

"Uhhh" I groaned rolling over to face the window. The sun had begun to come up and a slight chill was in the air. Spring was coming up and the harsh winter was now behind me. I made it through, barely.

I rolled out of bed and walked along the cold wooden floors to my bathroom. I quickly washed my face with cold water, making myself fully wake up. After, I brushed my teeth and walked to my closet. Today I was going to begin to plant a few spring plants just to get started. I pulled on some loose green pants with a pair of combat boots I bought from town. Then I put on a simple black long sleeve and headed out of my room.

My house was more of a cottage or farmhouse. It wasn't two stories and instead had two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It was simple and fit me and my needs perfectly. I stayed in my old bedroom and the other room was a mix of storage and my dog's room. The kitchen was my favorite place. It was an old and very farmhouse type kitchen. The counters were a light colored wood with the cabinets being a creamy colored white. It was bigger and there was enough room for at least three people to cook around. The living room was open concept to the kitchen. I had a simple tv but I used it on rare occasions. It was newer and I got all kinds of channels but with the farm I almost never used it. Lining the vacant walls were two book shelves. I loved to read books and learned most of what I knew from them. How to farm and take care of animals. I had a smaller fireplace that sat below the TV and my couch faced both. All together the house was super simple and just what someone like me needed.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple that sat in a fruit bowl on the counter. The apple had a nice sweet taste to it as I bit in. I grabbed a hair tie from the counter and tied my hair up. "Alright." I whispered heading out of the house.

The house was painted white but the wood under it gave it the distressed look, fitting in with the farmhouse look. There was a wrap-around porch with a few chairs and a small table. A small path led out of the white picket fence that wrapped around the entire property, all five acres. In the driveway sat an old 1970 Ford F-100. The garage held old and new tools but I didn't use them much.

I whistled for my dog Riley. She was a three year old Eastern European Shepherd. I had found her as a puppy in town and ever since I took her home she had been my best friend.

Riley ran out from behind the house towards me. He tail wagged as I opened the passenger door of the truck for her. I hopped in and started the engine before beginning my journey down the rocky road towards town. It was about a fifteen minute drive through the country. Small farm houses passed by. Some had huge farms and others held animals.

As I reached town I parked my truck outside the local bakery. The town was very small. There weren't any houses instead just a few businesses. There was one market that had everything, a small beauty parlor, the local doctor, baker, school, and then a butcher.

"Let's go girl." I got out of the truck and Riley followed, staying by my side. Small kids ran around with self made toys. Mothers walked along the dusty road holding bags from the market. There weren't many men seeing as they were either working in the town or back home.

I walked toward the market, Riley hot on my heels. The smell of dust filled my nose as I was used to. "Hey Amber." A woman waved as she walked by. I waved back and walked into the market. I headed to the back where all the starter plants and seeds were. A few women walked by holding different goods.

"Should we try flowers again?" I asked Riley. She only tilted her head in response before sitting and waiting for me. Every year I would try to grow flowers only for them to die too soon before blooming. I put them in different spots, watered differently, and even planted them late but they never grew. I hated it because I loved flowers. The different colors and sweet smells, the way they brightened up any area.

I picked out a few strawberry seeds, carrot seeds, and other vegetables. Finally I grabbed a few rose seeds, lily seeds and tulips. Heading to the front I waited for the cashier/owner to be done ringing up the woman in front of me.

Once it was my turn I placed my goods down and waited. "Hey Amber, guess what I've been hearing." Bill said. "Hey what's up?" I asked. "Well my boy went to the city to pick up a special package I ordered. As he drove down he saw a few military jeeps heading out coming out way. Then Mary the beauty parlor owner said she awoke to five military jeeps rolling down her street. Some are saying they're going to make a base up here. Everyone is outraged." Bill began writing down the receipt. "Wow I sure hope not. We might have to chase them out." I laughed. 

The town wasn't huge fans of the military. The people around here grew up stories of how they would take kids from their parents. A few veterans that lived around told horror stories about war. The kids would get freaked out, including me.

"I guess. Hey if you see anything let me know. I've been keeping a few people updated." I handed him some money. "I will and you be careful too. Never know what they might do." Bill bagged my goods and I waved goodbye.

Riley whined as we passed the butcher shop, the smell of blood and meat filling the air. I sighed and went in, Freddy greeting me as the little bell rang. "Hey Amber, good to see ya. Hey, have you heard about the military jeeps?" He leaned on the glass case that showed off all the meats he had. "Yeah Bill just told me." Riley started drooling at the sign of a fresh lamb cut dangling in the back. "It's a shame. This is a nice town. Now what can I get for you." His white bloodied apron shifted as he straightened himself. "Well Riley here would some lamb and I will take a steak and some pork chops please. Oh and some of your seasoning." I added.

Freddy had the best seasoning in town. He sold it both in the market and his own shop. Everyone knew it was the best and you could put it on everything.

"Coming right up. Hey Geramy cut off some of that fresh lamb." Freddy called his son. He packaged the steak and pork chops before packaging the lamb and placing it into a paper bag. "Alright," I handed him some cash and grabbed the bag. "Now you be careful and call if you need anything and I mean anything. I'm always happy to help out." Freddy winked at me. He was basically like my dad. "Now problem." I called out as I headed out the door.

Riley hopped in the truck and we began heading back to the house ready to begin planting.

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