Chapter 12

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I emerged from behind Caesar who had his gun ready. I placed my hand on his arm and moved it down signifying it was ok to stand down. He kept the gun in his hand but straightened out and stared down at my parents. His eyes staring daggers at my parents. He made himself appear more menacing than normal.

"Finally, we've been waiting for half an hour." My father looked at his watch. Both my parents were dressed nicely. My father in a gray suit and tie while my mother wore a burgundy colored dress that hung tight to her figure. Heels on her feet while my father wore dress shoes. They looked so much more different than when they left.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I questioned. My voice shaky. I gripped Caesar's hand and he brought me closer to him, calming me in a way. "We came back for you. Now that your brother is successful we came to bring you back with us. You don't have to live here anymore." My fathers voice distinguished and so different from what it was before. Next to my parents were two suitcases.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I felt myself shrink back. "What was going on, why are they really here?" Dozens of thoughts rang through my head. I couldn't even choke out a response. My body went into shock and I didn't move. My breath grew faster and faster and I began panicking.

"Flower?" Caesar whispered to me but gained no response. I gripped his hand tighter but still no words. My parents just stood there. "Why don't we talk about this over dinner huh." My mother asked. I could only nod.

Caesar brought me to my room and left to get the things from the car. Riley laid her head on my lap and I slowly petted her. My mind raced with thoughts and ideas. I didn't want to leave.

Caesar returned after a few minutes. He sat next to me and brought me close to him. "What are you going to do?" He asked, his voice worried. "I'm going to ask why they came back. I'm not leaving though. I don't want to leave you either." I mumbled. My eyes focused on the closed door. "You do what feels right, ok. I will support you with any decision." He kissed my head.

I moved myself and went to kiss him back. His lips soft on mine. I could tell we both wanted to continue what we started in the truck. I moved myself so I straddled his lap as our kiss turned into a small make out session. My hands traveled to his mask which I pulled off. My fingers ran through his hair earning a small groan to escape his lips. His hands traveled to my waist and then my thighs.

"We should make dinner," Caesar said in between kisses. "I hate when you're right." I pouted but agreed. I got off his lap but before we could leave the room he pulled me in for one last kiss. "Remember you can make them leave whenever. I'm here for you Flower." I smiled at the nickname. "Ok, thank you." I kissed him one more time and we headed out into the kitchen.

I saw my parents looking around the house. My mother looked through the books and my father inspected the little trinkets I had displayed. I cleared my throat, earning their attention. "I'm going to begin making dinner." I made sure my voice was monotone and held no emotion.

Caesar followed me into the kitchen and we began to cook. We decided on pork chops, some steamed vegetables, and some garlic bread. It was simple and what we had in abundance. Caesar and I moved around the kitchen. Only when dinner was done did we stop.

"Dinner's served." I called out. Caesar held my waist as I waited for my parents to enter to make themselves a plate. That's when I saw them at the table, waiting. "Why are you waiting, come make yourself a plate?" I was irritated. "Oh," My father sounded surprised but they stood up and got themselves a plate.

The table was quiet. Caesar sat next to me while my parents sat across from us. "So have you finally decided to join us?" My father didn't look up but instead took a porkchop on his fork. "I will answer that when you tell me everything, from day one to now." I demanded. "You're kidding." My father scoffed. "She deserves to know." My mother whispered to him.

"Fine if it satisfies your needs." He put down his napkin. I straightened up and listened intently. "When you and your brother were thirteen we received a letter from the Russian government. They had heard of your brother and requested he be schooled in the city when he turned fifteen. Everything was to be paid for by them. When he was fifteen the government enrolled him into a school and picked us up one night. He studied at a private school while your mother and I got jobs in the city. Soon we climbed the ranks and when you brother went off to work at eighteen we only grew. Now that he owns his own banking company we've decided to come back for you." The words traveled through me.

"You never thought to come back sooner or even take me." I spit back. My words venom filled causing my mother to flinch back. "Well we-" My mother started, "You didn't want me to pull you guys down." My fists clenched under the table.

"Well yes, you were never even close to your brother in smartness." My father spoke like his words meant nothing but they cut me like knives. "So you ignored me my whole life because I wasn't 'smart enough'." I grew angry but calmed myself in order not to snap. "You grew up fine." My father spit back. "I was ignored my whole life. I had to grow up alone. You guys never taught me anything except how to be lonely." I yelled back. "We didn't have time because your brother took all of it!" My father matched my anger.

I took a minute to compose myself. "You couldn't afford a day or an hour to spend with me. I was so young and needed my parents. You don't think a seven year old needs parents?" I questioned. My voice breaking. I held back tears as I thought about all the times I was ignored or pushed aside. The little girl inside me was crying her eyes out just wanting a little attention.

"You seem to have grown up fine, I mean look at you." My father scoffed and looked me up and down. "That's not the point and no I didn't grow up fine. I have been alone since day one. Neither of you did anything for me." I watched as my mother looked down. Sadness laced her eyes.

"Oh what, you're sad?" I questioned looking at my mother. She didn't say anything but just stared at her plate. "You were supposed to be my mother. The women who taught me to cook or sew or just pay attention to me." I pleaded to her. "I was a horrible mother." Her voice small.

MY father scoffed at her words and threw his napkin at his empty plate. "Yes you were," I grew angry. "And you were a terrible father," I looked at my father. "I gave you everything you have now. This house was mine, the truck, everything!" He stood up angry and practically spit at me.

I saw Caesar tense out of the corner of my eye. His eyes only watched my father, preparing to defend me if needed.

I jumped from the table and matched my fathers energy. "No you left all of this when you left me alone!" My father and I only stared at each other. It grew silent. "I was fifteen when you left. I knew nothing but what I read in books. I watched as my brother got constant attention from you both." My voice was soft as I spoke.

"We're leaving." My father spoke and quickly went to leave. My mother was hesitant but followed. I quickly walked to where my father stood on the porch. He had both suitcases and waited for my mother.

"We came, didn't we? We tried to fix things but you were the one who didn't want us." His voice was venom filled. "I was fifteen." Was all I said when my mother pushed past me as they walked to their car. I watched as my father threw the suitcases into the back before getting into the car and speeding off down the road. A large dust cloud followed them.

I stood on the porch. I didn't know what to do. "Flower?" I heard Caesar question. I didn't turn around. Tears silently fell down my cheeks as I watched the dust finally settle.

"What now?" I asked him. "I know the truth so what do I do now?" He came up behind me. I leaned back as he rested his arms on my waist. "Now you can finally live." His words replayed in my head.

"I know the truth, I've made my point to them. Something I've waited so long to do." My mind went through the events of the night. I have made my peace.

"Ok" was all I could manage to say. "Come on, let's finish dinner." He pulled me inside. The empty plates of my parents still sat on the other side of the table. I could no longer reminisce on the past. I've made my peace and I was ready to move on.

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