Chapter 7

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I woke up to the noise of loud birds chirping outside. The sun was rising and casted a small orange shadow through the room. When I finally came out of my sleep drunk state I noticed I was on top of Caesar's chest. Like fully on top, his arms wrapped around me not wanting to let go.

I shuffled and got more comfortable. "Good morning." A deep voice said from above me. His morning voice was absolutely beautiful. "Morning" I moved and looked up at him. His eyes were already on me. "You look so beautiful." I smiled at his comment. "We should get up," I whispered, drawing circles on his chest.

I moved myself off him. My legs felt sore but I didn't think too much of it. Caesar stood up and pulled on his pants, his belt jingaling echoed through the room. He came over to my side of the bed and I went to stand up. I stood up I felt my legs give out and I fell before Caesar caught me.

"I'll go easier next time." He laughed and I mocked his laugh. "What do you need? I'll get it for you." He ask placing me back on the bed. "Just clothes please and thank you." He walked to my dresser and took out my outfit for the day.

I slipped it on. I wore slightly ripped jeans and a green long sleeve cropped top. It was cute, like really cute.

He admired me for a second before walking out and into the hall. I went to stand up, taking it slow. "God damn," I cursed. My legs became stable now as I walked out.

Caesar stood with his bare back to me clearly cooking something. It smelt like eggs. I looked over his back. Scratch marks scattered around it, some deeper than others.

"I'm- I'm sorry about you back." I walked over to him tracing one of the deeper marks. "Darling, I'm wearing those with pride. Shows how much I can please you." He chuckled and went back to cooking. I had a surprised look on my face at the words. I became red and went and sat at the table. I thought over the events of last night and couldn't help but smile a little.

"Eat and I'm going to rebandage your cut." He placed down a plate and walked off. On the plate were two seasoned eggs, some potatoes and a few strawberries. I ate quickly and enjoyed not making food. We hadn't eaten when we got home yesterday.

I just noticed Riley sleeping peacefully on the couch. Her tongue out slightly and her snores loud. "Give me your arm." Caesar entered the room again with a med kit. I moved my arm out so it rested upright on the table.

Caesar sat down and began to carefully and slowly take off the old bandage. The tape tugged at my arm a little but that was it. Once the bandage was fully off I went to look at it.

The stitches were held together with dark wire and small bruising was seen around the cut. It was neat and the cut was pretty clean and straight.

"Tell me if I hurt you." Caesar softly said. He placed the bandage across my arm and taped it up. I felt the tape press against the cut leaving a small pinch of pain.

Once done Caesar went and grabbed a plate of food. We ate quietly enjoying the sound of birds outside. The sun made the house warm and it felt nice and comfortable. "I must be leaving by noon. I have a shipment coming in." Caesar stood up and grabbed the plates. I followed him into the kitchen where he did the dishes.

"I hope to see you soon then." I leaned on the counter. I still admired the marks on his back. "Of course, I can probably see you tomorrow all day and the day after that." He moved in front of me. His bare chest rose and fell with his breath.

My god he was huge. Not in that way, but yes in that way. His body completely shadowed me. This man could over power everyone in town. He could get away with anything just at the look of him. The thought of this man wanting me made me feel special and worth something.

"Good," I moved up and kissed him. He moved his hands around my waist and kissed me back. "I should get going." Pulled back and disappeared back into the bedroom.

When he emerged again he had his shirt and mask on. His boots were laced up but his mask was slightly crooked. "Come here," I beckoned him. He leaned down and I went and fixed his mask.

"Good bye," I looked up at him. He leaned down and I kissed the outside of his mask, still feeling his lips underneath. "Good bye love." With that Caesar left off down the road.

I returned inside to Riley jumping up and down in excitement. "Guess what Riley!" I shrieked. "You've got a daddy!" I laughed around. I still couldn't believe what happened. "I've got to tell Janet." Quickly I laced my boots and ran out to do my chores before leaving for Janet's.

I packed some tea leaves for her along with some of the dill dandelion bread into a bag. Riley and I left the house headed off for Janet's. The sun was warm above as I walked with my back to it.

I saw Janet's house ahead and ran up to it. She was sweeping her porch outside when she saw me. Her face lit up as she tossed her broom to the side. "I know something happened quickly, tell me." She yelled as I walked up the steps. I first handed the tea leaves and bread which she put aside.

I then spilled everything, well almost everything. I told her we fucked but that was it. Those details were for me only. But as I talked she couldn't help but reminisce on her and her husband's relationship.

Janet and Freddy were made for each other. Freddy had been Janet's brother's friend. When he left for a city job Freddy promised to look after Janet. They ended up falling for each other and creating a life with one another. It was a true love story.

"So tell me, what now?" Janet had asking questions left and right. "We start dating and hopefully later on get married. I can really see a life with him and he does too." I leaned back in the chair. My mind wanders to a life we could have. "Well honey you know I love you and I want the best for you. So tell me what kind of flowers you want at the wedding." We both shared a laugh.

The time was around two and I decided to get back home. "Call me ok. I want an update in three days." Janet called out. I gave her a thumbs up and walked with Riley down the road.

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