Chapter 11

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I woke up in my bed. My hands tangled in Caesar's hair while his head lay upon my chest. His arms on either side of me blocking me in. The familiar feeling of waking up with someone comforted me. The memories of what happened yesterday made me feel calm. I finally opened up to him and I felt proud of myself.

I truly needed to get that off my chest. Even though I was terrified he would treat me differently I still opened up.

I raked my hands through Caesar's. I peered out at the rising sun and watched as the glow of the new day showered through the curtains. It felt like a good day to me.

I heard Caesar groan under me as he shifted his weight. I looked down to see his tired eyes looking back at me. "Good morning," I whispered, giving a small smile. "Good morning flower," shifted and moved next to me. I blushed at the new nickname. I had forgotten he called me that last night.

"Come on," I shook his shoulder, "Time to get up." I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I stretched out and headed to the bathroom to get ready. I heard the bed creak and the rustle of clothes indicating Caesar got up.

I pulled on a random pair of pants and a long sleeve. I walked back into my room and saw the small box from last night on my nightstand. I picked up the necklace and tied it around my neck. I admired it before heading out into the kitchen. Caesar stood at the counter buttering toast while he hummed a small tune. "So are you staying today?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his torso. "In fact I am, so what's on the agenda?" He spun me around before handing me a plate of food.

"I was going to head into town since I haven't been in a while. Care to join me?" I took a bite of the toast. It crunched and a few crumbs dropped onto the plate. "I'd love to." I heard him smile and looked up. Caesar was smiling down at his plate.

I grabbed a few bags and walked out with Caesar and Riley. We hopped into the truck and Caesar began heading down the gravel road. I still wasn't used to not driving but it was growing ever so slightly familiar. Caesar placed a hand on my thigh as I scooted closer to him. Having a bench seat in the truck was nice for stuff like this.

His thumb circled my inner thigh but he kept his eyes on the road. I grew red at the feeling and tried to focus on the road. In the corner of my eye I saw Caesar's eyes crinkle slightly signifying he was smirking. Even through the mask I could see the joy on his face.

He pulled into town and parked in the closet spot. "Where to first." He opened my door for me. I waited till Riley hopped out and then I did too. "Umm the market and then the butchers. Then we can just walk around." The town was bustling with people. They all must have seen the opportunity to finally come out after the rain we had and came to town.

Caesar and I walked through town, hand in hand, towards the market. Some people whispered and some just nodded their heads in acknowledgement. I smiled at a few people I knew but when they looked at Caesar their expression changed and they walked faster past. I couldn't help but chuckle. Caesar looked like this big scary man but when it was just him and I he was caring and kind of soft.

The market was bustling with people. Bill was checking people out and I watched as his son, Travis, walked around helping people. Caesar and I walked around each aisle. I grabbed random things here and there that I would need before moving on to the next. Towards the end of the trip to the market more people had walked in.

Caesar stayed by my side the whole time and never let me get more than a few feet away from him. He trailed behind me, towering over me as I grabbed things.

We went over to check out but instead of Bill his son Travis had taken over the counter. I never was a fan of Travis because he would always have something to say about women. How we should have something or should stay in the kitchen and care for the kids.

"Hey Travis," I put on a fake smile. "Hey there," He took the groceries and began counting up the money. "How's the garden?" he asked. "Doing good. I was surprised it kept intact after the shower." I chuckled softly trying not to lose my fake smile. "Well that's good, just don't spend too much time there. I can assume your boyfriend here want's a home cooked meal each night." He laughed out loud. I felt Caesar's hand squeeze mine. I gave him a reassured squeeze back silently asking him not to engage. Travis finished and Caesar handed him cash before I took the bags and we quickly left.

"I don't like him." Caesar took the bag from my hands as we walked down the street. "I don't either but there isn't much I can do about it." I sighed. "Men like that shouldn't have women." His voice was deeper than usual. "Mhm" I agreed.

Caesar opened the door to the butchers and we entered. A few other people stood inside waiting for Teddy to finish cutting their meat. "Hey Teddy," A real smile came to my face. "Hey Amber, glad to see you feeling better." Teddy handed a person their meat before they left, leaving just Caesar and I.

"Yeah it was pretty bad but not as bad as last time. This man here helped me out." I shook Caesar's arm and giggled. "Good," Teddy approved. "So what can I do for you?" He rinsed off his hands before drying them. "What would you like?" I asked Caesar. "Two steaks, four pork chops, two pieces of mutton and three bones for Riley." Caesar listed off what he wanted. I was surprised a little but watched as Teddy began cutting up the meat.

"So any plans for the week?" Teddy asked as he wrapped up the meats and placed them into my bag. "Nope, just gardening." I replied. "Good, Janet would like to have dinner on Wednesday and was wondering if you would join us?" Teddy leaned on the glass. I looked up at Caesar to see what he would do. "We would love to." He answered for me. A smile grew on my lips.

Because Caesar would never meet my parents Teddy and Janet were the closest thing to them. They were my family and I was so excited that he would finally truly meet them.

Caesar and I left, a smile still on my lips, and began walking around town. We traveled into different shops and looked around. Four o'clock creeped up and we decided to head home.

"Riley!" I called out. Riley emerged from the back of a store. Her tail wagged and she followed us to the truck. Once heading down the road I leaned my head on Caesar's shoulder, his hand gripped my thigh. "I've enjoyed the day with you." I spoke out. "I did too," His gruff voice spoke after a minute.

"It doesn't have to end." His once gruff voice now seductive and lust filled. I stifled a breath before responding, "I think that's a great idea." The feeling of his hand moving up my thigh caused a shaky breath out.

We neared the house but instead of an empty driveway there stood a Range Rover. The car looked brand new and almost untouched.

"What the fuck?" I questioned. I was scared as to what it was doing there. "Are you expecting someone?" Caesar's hand gripped the steering wheel. "No" My voice quiet. Caesar stopped the truck in front of the gate. "Come here and stay close, I don't want to leave you out here alone." He spoke getting out of the truck.

I watched as he took a small handgun from his belt. I didn't even know he had that but I couldn't care. Riley stayed quiet and stalked next to us as we walked up the stairs of the porch. I clung to Caesar's arm which was behind him.

As we walked inside I saw two older looking people standing in the living room. They had familiar faces. Then it clicked in me. "Mom, dad?"

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