Chapter 9

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When I woke up I felt a little better but not by much. Caesar slept next to me. He snored softly. He had his arms still wrapped around with his fingers tangled into my hair. My head pressed on his chest and I felt his chin resting above me.

I went to smiled but instead bursted into a coughing fit. I shot up in order to try and breathe. I panicked a little as I couldn't catch my breath. Caesar's eyes shot open and he quickly sat up taking me into his arms. After another minute of coughing my breath caught up with me. I gasped in and out for breath and my eyes watered. I was so done being sick. The coughing caused my head to continue to pound.

"You're ok, just breathe." Caesar stroked my head as he held me closer. "Fuck, I'm over this." I groaned out. "I know you'll get better though. First you need to eat then shower." I watched as he stood up. His hair is messy and disheveled.

Outside the wind picked up causing a howling sound. The rain now fell tilted as the wind blew. Trees and grass all tilted to the side showing the mercy of the wind.

I stood up, wrapping blankets around me, and shuffled into the kitchen. Caesar was rummaging through the pantry when I caught his attention. "Love, go sit down." He tried to usher me out. "No I need to feed the animals." I probably looked like a zombie. Very unfit to even leave the house.

"If you think I'm going to let you do that, you're crazy. I will now go and take those blankets off before I force you to." Caesar led me into the living room and sat me on the couch. I removed the blanket from my shoulders and brought my knees to my chest.

Seeing Caesar being so kind and loving to me even when sick made me fall for him even more. Normally Janet or Mary would be here helping me or sometimes even Doctor Carrancho but I never truly enjoyed it. I mean who enjoys getting horrible sick. At the moment I wished I was sick all the time. This was great.

Caesar came in a short while later. His hoodie was slightly soaked. He took it off revealing a gray shirt underneath. I sat in the same position, my knees to my chest, trying to gather body heat. The fire was light and not admitting much warmth but it gave the illusion.

"Ok I'm going to make you something." Caesar called as he headed into the kitchen. I waited for my food. I watched the different shapes the fire made. How some flames grew higher then died and the high flame moved another.

"Here now eat all of it then your taking a shower." Caesar interrupted my thinking. He handed me a plate with some buttered toast. Nothing too much but what I needed at the moment.

He sat down next to me and leaned on the arm on the sofa. "Thank you." I mumbled while taking a bite. Once I swallowed the first piece of toast I realized how hungry I actually was. I ate the whole piece of toast in a matter of minutes.

"That's what I needed, thank you." I leaned on his arm. "Well now that you're done, time for a shower." Caesar whispered into my hair. The thought of a nice warm shower sounded perfect. I happily agreed and stood up.

He walked me to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Steam began to fill the room as I went to strip. "Umm," I paused, looking over at Caesar who just finished adjusting the temperature.

"Hunny I've seen it. In fact I've seen all of you. Now come on." He seemed so unbothered by this. I slowly took off my clothes and quickly stepped into the shower. "I'll be outside how's that. Call if you need me." He left, closing the door behind him.

I relaxed in the shower and allowed all the sick to run off me with the water. My nose cleared as I breathed in the steam. My headache grew smaller as I ran my fingers through my hair, soothing it.

I stepped out, back into the cold air, and shivered at the sudden cold. "Jeez," I said. My body began to shake with the cold. I wrapped a towel around me and used it as a blanket. I heard knocking on the door then, "hey you ok?" Caesar's voice muffled by the wooden door. "Yeah, be out in a minute."

I dried my hair and dressed in new clothes Caesar had brought in. I stepped out of the room. Caesar was leaning on the wall, waiting. "Feel better?" His eyebrows raised in concern. "Yeah I can breathe now." I giggled.

He brought me back to the couch and we cuddled each other while watching the fire roar. His arms around me, his body heat warming me from the cool air around.

Caesar cared for me for the next two days until I felt better again. He took time from work and made sure I had everything I could need.

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