Chapter 5

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So today is Saturday and Brittany and Serina came over early to help set up the pallets and get all the popcorn and stuff ready for tonight.
Right now we are currently in my room talking and laughing about how in scary movies the victim always fall while running away from killer and then taking forever to get up.

Knock, knock, knock.

"COMING!" I shouted running down stairs.
I was wearing spanky shorts, a loose grey shirt that hung over one shoulder, with my hair in a high side pony tail.
I opened the door and saw Jackson standing there with bags full of candy and some movies.
"Hey! Glad you could make it!" I said as Jake and Skylar showed up.
"Hey guys! Come in!" I said moving out of the way.
I was about to close the door when it burst back open.
"WAIT!!!" Alec and Devon shouted running it.
"Ok then. come on in you guys," I said laughing.
"Brittany, Serina!! C'mon! Every ones almost here!!" I shouted.
"Who's not here?" Brittany asked coming down the stairs with Serina.
"Dylan," I told them glancing at Jackson and seeing him looking at his hands as fiddling with a smarties.
"When's he gonna get here?" She asked.
"I don't know he said when ever," I told her opening the popcorn bags and pouring them into the bowl.
"Oh ok," Brittany said.

We put in the Titanic first.
We made a huge pallet on the floor and first was Devon, then Alec, then Jake, then Serina, then Jackson, then me, then Skylar.
I heard a knock on the door and I pushed Jackson in the side to get up and go get it but he beat me and ran to the door.
He opened it and I saw Dylan standing there. that was enough for me to jump up.
I jumped over the couch and smiled at him.
"DYLAN!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Jackson moved out of the way and watched as I ran and jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
"Good to see you too," he laughed into my ear and wrapping his arms around my back.
"Hey, why don't we go watch the movie now," he said "I need to breathe," he laughed and I released slightly and pulled back to look at him.
He was cute, popular, nice, and down right perfect. I don't know why he stays with me. or any one for that matter. I'm the nerd. the unnoticeable. the dork. yet I have actual friends. I have popular friends like Dylan and Jackson.
I just don't get it. I'm not pretty, I'm not girly, I'm not perky all the time, and I don't try hard for my appearance.
I wiggled out of his grasp and onto the floor. I pulled his hand and turned as Jackson closed the door.
I pulled him to the pallet and to everyone who was arguing about which was better Werewolf's or Vampires.
"Oh my gosh. Werewolf's are way better," Dylan said, sitting down in the little circle.
"I agree with Dylan," Serina and I said in unison.
"No way, Vampires are the best. I mean, they can fly, they have those sick fangs, and they have those cool accents," Devon said. I was afraid Dylan wouldn't fit in but I guess he was going to be just fine. I saw Jackson walk over and was about to sit on the couch but I pulled him to the circle and was about to side down beside him, when Dylan pulled me down and sat on my legs and screeched in my ear,
"Are we watching the titanic!!??" I nodded and laughed when he started tickling my sides. "ok every one get in on this action!!" He yelled moving slightly so everyone could tickle me.
"Stop! I can't breathe!" I said my eyes filling with tears.
"Say the magic word!" Dylan shouted.
"Dylan!" I whined.
"Say it," he said.
"DYLAN!!!" I said now crying.
"Say it Ally," he said tickling me harder.
"Ok, ok!!" I said. "Pumpernickel! Pumpernickel!!! Ok now stop!!" I yelled. his hands stopped and I caught my breath as every one, even Jackson laughed. I was watching him with fascination as his face formed into a smile and he let out a deep, sexy laugh.
Wait. no. no. baaaaad Ally.
I could not help it though.


We started watching the movie again after getting cozy and we were laying about the same but instead of Skylar it was Dylan who laid next to me.
When it came to the ever so famous part in the movie Devon and Jake decided to jump up and act it out Jake stood at the corner of the couch and Devon stood behind him holding his waist. they were both looking of into the distance like some dramatic scene and it had me rolling on the ground.
After there little charade we laid back down and fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning and felt so warm. I turned to my side and saw Ally laying on top of my chest sleeping happily.
Dylan was kinda a bummer last night. I was kinda hoping he would get run over a bus last night, dragged twenty miles by a pigeon, fall off a skyscraper, and break a nail.
But he was actually funny and cool.
I was glad Ally had a friend like him.
I felt her start to stir and she lifted her head up.
She looked back at me and she smiled.
"Good morning gorilla," she said.
"Good morning," I told her.
"What do you say we go make everyone breakfast," she said.
"Sure lets go," I said standing up ad pulling her with me.

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