Chapter 21

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When I got downstairs I saw Jackson walking back upstairs to shower. I needed that. I might go to my house after breakfast and do that.
I ate my pancakes and when I was done I got up and started washing the dishes.
I washed them and put them into the drying rack and Alise walks in.
She glares at me. "Don't you dare ever do the dishes again," she says to me. I smile a little and shake my head.
"It's fine. I wanted to," I told her. " I'm going to go back home and take a shower though so," I told her walking to the kitchen door.
"Ok dear. I'll see you later," she said.
I walk out to the living room and was stopped by Alex.
"Ally. Jackson is taking me camping! He told me to ask you if you wanted to come," she told me.
"I dunno Lex," I told her. She stuck out her bottom lip and opened her eyes big.
"Pleeeeeease?" She whined a little. I couldn't deny her with her puppy dog eyes.
"Ok ok I cave," I laugh and she lights up.
"Yaay!" She shouts and jumps up and down.
"I'm going to go home so I can get ready and pack ok?" I told her.
"Ok. Come back right after. Jackson said we're leaving in two hours," she said. I said ok and walked to my house.
Did Jackson and I almost kiss?
Did he want to kiss me?
Did I want to kiss him?
My head hurt from all these questions and I went to take my shower.
I washed my hair and body and shaved my legs. Don't judge me. I'm not going to look like a mammoth in front of the most popular guy in school.
I decided to try on my bathing suit to see if it still fit me from last year. No doubt it won't but I am just taking precautions.
It was a neon teal and neon pink color block bathing suit.
'I should probably change my belly button piercing...' I thought.
Yes I have my belly button pierced. It actually happened at a birthday party when I was fourteen. I was I a rebellious strike typed thing. Sorta...
I got my dads permission after he made me do like a gazillion chores.
I looked in my jewelry box. I had long dangly earrings, studded earnings, pearl earrings, and diamond earrings (fake diamonds), and mostly belly bottom rings.
I picked out the silver one with the abalone shell at the top and thin dangly chains with different lengths and very tiny abalone shell beads at the the ends.
I put it in after I coated it in solution.
I packed my bathing suit in my one drawstring bag along with some p.j's and some clothes for tomorrow.
Should I even go? Jackson did seem like he was mad at me before I left.
Then my phone dinged.
'Time to go kitten. -Jackson'
I smiled at the nickname and sighed in relief. He's not mad at me but damn does this boy got some bi polar issues or what?
I slid the bag on my shoulder and walked out of the house.
I saw Jackson leaning on the side of his car and he saw me.
He smiled and went over to the passenger door.
He opened it and raised my eyebrow. He smirked and motioned for me to get in.
"Such a gentleman," I said.
"Only for you," he winked and I got in. He shut it for me and jogged to the other side.
I smiled goofily.
Only for me.
I stopped smiling when he got in and shut the door knowing if he saw me he would tease me.
"Are you ready?" He looked at me.
"Yup," I nodded. He smiled and looked in the back seat.
"Are you ready little booger?" He asked and Alexia's squeal was confirmation.
He laughed and turned the keys. The engine roared to life and he drove out of my driveway. I honestly don't see why he makes the effort to drive from next door when I could just walk over to his house to get in the car. It would save like .3 gallons of gas...
The ride consisted and hour and a half of Alex singing along with every song on the radio.
I noticed that Jackson kept looking at me and I blushed a little every time he did.
After the ride we ended up at the lake and we hopped out of the car.
Jackson grabbed a back pack which I'm guessing was for his clothes and put two other bags on the ground by his feet while he pulled out the cooler.
Alexia grabbed the pink back pack by his foot and ran to our spot.
I walked over to him and grabbed the other bag on the ground. It was the tent.
We carried everything a couple yards away from the car and to the open patch of grass for our tent.
Jackson set the cooler and his bag by the picnic table and looked at me.
"Throw me your bag," he said.
I took my bag of and threw it.
He caught it swiftly and set it next to his and Alexia's.
He came over to help me set up the tent.
We put the poles through the slots and nailed them into the ground with the steaks.
He went back to the car and grabbed one black duffle bag.
He threw it inside the tent and grabbed all our bags.
He walked into the tent and I looked for Alexia.
She was no where in sight.
I started to panic. I walked towards the lake a little and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw her sitting in the sand building it up to form a big pile.
I smiled and walked back to the tent.
Jackson was sitting next to a small machine that was blowing air into the air mattress.
One air mattress. Three people. Last night. I smiled remembering how we were all snuggled together in Jackson's bed.
"Ally can you get the blankets and pillows out of the car? They are in the back seat," he asked me. I nodded and walked to the car.
I opened the door and grabbed the large comforter and the four pillows stacked in the back seat.
I took them to the tent where Jackson had set the air mattress in the back corner and our bags in the other side.
The tent was very big. Even with the air mattress it was bigger than my room.
I laid the blanket out on the bed and set the pillows at the top.
"You ready?" He asked standing beside me.
"For...?" I questioned.
"Swimming!" He yelled and I laughed. He can be childish at times.
"Yup. I have to get my swimming suit on though," I told him. He smirked and sat on the bed, leaning back into his hands.
"Fine by me," I gasped when I got it and he laughed, his deep, laugh. "Ok ok," he said.
He walked to the middle of the tent and took the piece of fabric strapped to the top.
He rolled it out and clipped it to the clips on the sides.
It acted like a wall separating the tent.
"You change on that side and I'll change on this side," he stated.
I rolled my eyes but obliged.
I grabbed my bag and walked to the other side. It was a little dark considering there was no windows open.
I dug through my bag and found my suit.
I pulled it on and fixed the twisted straps.
I'm glad I was pretty tan.
I slipped on my diamond t-sandals and some shorts with a tank top.
I left my hair down so it wouldn't get tangled in the pony tail I had it in.
"Alexia," I heard Jackson yell. "Come get your suit on."
She came running in and I walked back to Jackson's side of the tent.
He had on white and blue swimming trunks and a white t-shirt.
He looked good.
"Take your bag and go change over there," he told her and she ran to the other side.
He looked me up and down and I blushed.
Soon Alexia came running out in a purple one piece swimming suit with a small one inch skirt at the bottom and flip flops.
She had a piece of wrinkly plastic and she held it out for Jackson. He took it and started airing it up with the pump.
Next thing it was a pink and yellow unicorn ring.
We then went down to the beach.
Jackson took off his shirt showing his chiseled abs.
I stared for awhile but he looked at me and smirked.
I blushed and met his eyes.
They had a smirk in them too. Was that possible?
I walk up to him and put the sunscreen on the table.
Alexia ran to the water and splashed in the shallow end.
I watched her for a little while until I felt a hand on my back. I jumped and turned to Jackson.
"A little jumpy aren't we?" He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes.
"Aren't you going to take off your clothes?" He pinched my shirt and let it go.
"Wouldn't you like to know," I rolled my eyes at him and then he did the absolutely unexpected thing.
He stuck his tongue out at me.
The Jackson Ryder stuck his tongue out at me.
I laughed and he rolled his eyes.
"Suit yourself," he shrugged and started running towards the water.
I watched the muscles in his back move with every movement.
He grabbed Alexia when she wasn't looking and she screamed.
She laughed when he lifted her above his head and threw her in the air.
He caught her by the waist and she laughed.
He put her on his back and started swimming out further.
I smiled and decided to go with them.
I removed my shorts and shirt and kicked off my sandals.
I ran towards the water and Jackson turned around smiling.
He saw me and stopped smiling. His eyes flashed dark green but he covered it up when Alex splashed him with water.
I blushed when he turned away and got about chest deep in water.
"Ally c'mon!" Alex called to me.
I smiled and shook my head. "Nah you guys keep playing," I called back.
Jackson slid Alex off his back and into her ring.
The lake was dark and you couldn't see a thing.
He ducked under water and I took the time to watch Alex.
I started walking towards her when I felt something clamp onto my waist.
I screamed and was lifted into the air.
Jackson surface right in front of me and laughed.
"You ass," I splashed him.
His hands never left my waist and I could feel them burning my skin and lighting up my entire body.
"So I'm a donkey now?" He asked laughing a little.
"Well you kinda look like one," I lied and he smirked.
"That's mean princess. Especially when your lying to yourself," he said pulling me closer.
"I'm telling the truth," I crossed my arms over my chest mainly to try and stop him from feeling my accelerating heart rate.
"Yeah and I'm anorexic," he rolled his eyes.
He went lower than my waist and to the bottom of my butt and lifted me.
My first instinct  was to wrap my legs around him and grab his shoulders.
He smirked and leaned back.
I sat up and we were floating.
How could he hold both of us? Is that even possible? Well if it's happening it's not impossible.
He closed his eyes and I looked out to the open lake.
Alexia swam to us and eyed Jackson and I.
"What are you guys doing?" She asked.
Jackson didn't open his eyes but said "nothing you need to know Alex,"
I rolled my eyes at him.
"I honestly don't know," I said to her. She nodded and my stomach growled.
Jackson smirked without opening his eyes and reached out.
He grabbed my hip in one hand and Alexia with the other.
"What do you guys say we go eat?" He said finally opening his eyes.
"Yeah!" Alex yelled and I laughed at her. She started swimming up to the shore while kicking and pushing the water frantically.
I looked back to Jackson and saw him staring at me intensely.
He looked down at my suit and his eyes flashed dark green for the slightest moment.
Why do they do that? I know he doesn't like me or anything. It's probably just the fuck boy in him.
He grabbed my other hip and pushed his feet back under the water.
He started walking to the shore and I looked at him, confused.
"You can put me down now," I told him.
"Nah," he said looking forward.
"Ok but don't drop me," I told him not really wanting him to let go. I think I'm addicted to this feeling he gives me when his skin touches mine. Why do I feel it though?
"Do you really think this would drop you?" He motioned to his perfectly sculpted body.
I rolled my eyes.
Cocky much?
We got to the table and he was still holding me.
Alexia was already there making her sandwich.
Jackson sat down and I was still wrapped around him.
He sat with his legs under the table and hands around my waist and I sat with my legs on either side of him hanging off the back and my arms hung lazily around his neck.
I pushed one foot into the ground and swung the other one over.
He reached out for me but it was too late.
I smirked at him and went to side by Alex at the other side of the table.
He fake pouted and I stuck my tongue out at him.
This is going to be a fun trip...

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