Chapter 24

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That night I cried until three in the morning and it is now noon.
I haven't eaten anything and I haven't talked to anyone.
I had school today and I decided not to go.
Jackson offered to stay home with me but I declined and texted him saying he had to go.
He argued for a good thirty minutes till I won.
I hate life right now. Why did my dad have to die?
I keep hoping to jolt awake and find my dad whistling in the kitchen and making pancakes and bacons so if this was just a bad dream. But it isn't. This is real life and there is no turning back.
The real world is a cruel and dark place and you can't escape it. It's like a prison. Trapping the innocent for eternity. There is no health. Only sickness. No beauty. Only beast. No smiles. Only tears. No laughs. Only fears. No light. Only dark. No life. Only death.
Another tear ran down my face and I didn't bother trying to stop it.
I got up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen.
I eyes the knives and then realized. I am stronger than this.
I am a one of the strongest soldiers. I can overcome this even if it takes forever.
I wipe the tear away and try to smile.
It was forced and even I could feel that it looked horrible. I let it go and grabbed a bag of chips out of the pantry.
I ripped them open and sat back down on the couch.
I crunched on a chip and the doorbell rang.
I groaned and got up, bringing my chip bag with me.
I opened the door and there stood Jackson.
"What do you want?" I asked walking back into the living room.
He shut the door and followed me.
"I'm staying with you today," he shrugged and flopped onto the couch.
"No. I told you to go to school," I said swallowing another chip.
"And the teachers tell me to do my homework. Doesn't mean I'm gonna listen," I rolled my eyes and say on the love seat. There's no changing his mind.
I ate another chip and he looks at the bag.
"Want some trouble maker?" I smirked at him.
"Yes. Yes I do," his eyes had a mischievous glint.
"Come get em," I told him and he got up and leaped for the bag.
I rolled out of the way just in time and took the bag with me.
I bolted up the stairs and heard his heavy footsteps following.
I ran into my room and jumped on the bed, knowing I didn't have enough time to shut the door.
I looked up and saw him standing in the door way.
He ran and jumped onto the bed. He snatched the bag of chips and munched on some.
I grabbed a pillow and tried to hit him in the head with it.
He swiftly grabbed it and put it in my lap, laying his head on it and turning on the tv.
"Jerk," I mumbled but couldn't help but feel happier with him just being here.
I leaned back and watched the show. I closed my eyes and instead of watching just listened.
"Hey Ally?" I heard Jackson ask.
"Mhmm?" I hummed.
"Can I ask you a serious question?" He asked quietly. Very un-Jackson like.
"Yeah," I told him sleepily.
"Will you be-my girlfriend?" My eyes shot open and were met by his beautiful green ones looking at me from my own lap.
I smiled so big. "Yes," I told him and he smiled.
He looked back at the tv and I closed my eyes again, never losing the goofy grin.
Soon I felt someone shaking my arm.
"Wake up kitten," my eyes slowly opened.
"Whaaaat?!" I groaned.
"Don't give me that attitude," Jackson said in a high pitched voice.
"I already did. What are you going to do about it?" I sat up and challenged him.
"Kiss you," he stated.
"Ok ok! Jeez I'll lose the attitude! Please not that!" I shouted in mock terror.
"Ha ha," he rolled his eyes "don't deny you want it," he smirked.
Yup. I really did.
"If it was Opposite Day," I stated. "I'm hungry!" I groaned.
"When are you not hungry?" He laughed a little but got up.
"When I'm full," I told him.
"How about pizza?" He suggested grabbing his phone.
"It sounds good but I don't know if he can wait that long," I said looking at my stomach and poking it "we're losing him already," I looked back up at him with puppy dog eyes.
He laughed and I furrowed my eye brows.
"I'll order pizza and you can have a snack till then," he said dialing the number.
He ordered a large pepperoni pizza and I grabbed an apple from downstairs.
I went back up stairs and I heard silence.
I slowly walked to my bedroom and inside.
It was empty. I could've swore Jackson was just in here.
I figured he was just in the bathroom and sat on the bed, eating my apple and playing on my phone.
Soon I heard a knock.
I knew it was too loud to be from the front door and I looked around.
My eyes fell on the closet and I got up slowly and walked to it.
I was about two feet from it and I heard another knock. It was defiantly from inside.
I jumped though.
I kept walking forward and I laid my hand on the knob.
Just as I twisted it it flew open sending me stumbling back and screaming.
Jackson emerged from the trashed closet shouting.
A plan formed in my head right away and I rolled my eyes to the back of my head and wobbled a little before falling forward.
Hoping he would catch me before my face met carpet. He did.
His hands came around my upper arms and he pulled me back up.
My eyes fluttered closed and he gasped.
"Shit," he mumbled, "I killed her,"
Really. That's all he says. What the-
"Oh god! I gotta get outta here before the cops show up," he gasped laying me on the ground and I can hear footsteps running to the door.
Soon I heard the door shut and I opened my eyes.
I looked over and saw him gone.
I laughed quietly and stood up getting ready to call him.
I screamed for the second time in three minutes when I saw him sitting on my bed looking at me bored.
"Your such an ass," I told him standing up.
"Your the one that just acted like you were dead," he stated.
"Your the one who scared me," I replied back. He laughed and I rolled my eyes.
"You should've seen your face though," he said. I laughed when he tried to copy my scream.
"You gave me attitude too," he said after sobering up.
"Yes I did so deal with it," I smiled and his eyes flashed again.
"That means one kiss," he smirked.
I thought a moment and soon shrugged before walking over to him.
I stood in between his legs and put my arms lazily atop his shoulders and he put his on my hips.
I leaned down and kissed him. As much as I wanted it to last I pulled away after about two seconds to tease him.
"That's not how this is gonna work kitten," he said his eyes dark emerald and a small smirk playing on his God-like features.

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