chapter 18

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I woke up and the room was lit with the sunlight.

The room was also empty and I could smell bacon from all the way down stairs.

I got up and walked to the door. I went downstairs and saw in the kitchen Jackson was making breakfast and dancing with his back to me.

"Nice moves," I laughed. He froze and turned around.

"Good morning," He rolled his eyes and turned around. "It's about time," He turned back to face me with a plate full of bacon, pancakes, and eggs. "Oh I'm sorry. Did you want some?" He smirked and sat down.

I rolled my eyes. "No I'm going home so I'll see you later?" I asked walking to the door.

"Yeah. See you later," He called as I walked out the door.

I started walking to my house and saw Serina's car in the driveway. I realized that she was sitting in it with Brittany.

"Ally. Where have you been? I've been calling you forever," Brittany said rolling the window down "And why were you at Jacks-," She stopped and gasped. "Did you?!" she asked eyeing me. "You did didn't you?" She said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked walking over to her.

"Did you?... You know? Do it?" She asked. My eyes got wide but I also got serious butterflies in my stomach at the thought.

"Absolutely not!" I yelled. She sighed and closed her eyes for a minute.

"Thank god... Anyways we were going to the football game and we came to see if you wanted to go," She said walking back to the car.

"Uh..." I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing a black hoodie and some jeans. The same thing I was wearing yesterday and I re-put my hair back up in a pony tail. "Ok. I'll go," I told them walking to the car. I opened the door and hopped in.


We arrived at school and we got out. The parking lot was filled and so was the stands. We walked to the field and saw both teams warming up.

We were playing  the Panthers and we found a bench up front.

The game started after a few minutes and our team scored the first touchdown.

We jumped up and cheered.

A guy walked up to us with a box hanging around his neck.

"Would you girls like aa free face painting?" He asked motioning to the box.

I looked at the girls and they said sure. Serina went first and she said she just wanted to be a lion.

He did her face painting and moved on to Brittany. She did a light pink bear and then he moved on to me. I did my favorite animal which was the white tiger and I thanked him.

He walked off and Brittany got a phone call.

"Hello?" She answered putting it up to her ear. After a few seconds she handed the phone to me.

"Uh... Hello?" I asked.

"Ally?" I heard a guy voice say.

"yeah?" I said confused.

"Its Jackson," He said and I let out a breath. "Where are you?" He asked.

"At the football game why?" I asked plugging my other ear when the Panthers scored a touchdown.

"You left your phone here," He said. "Do you want me to bring it to you?" He asked.

"I don't care. I can come get it later if you want," I told him.

"Nah. Its no problem. I'll be there in a few," He said and hung up.

I handed Brittany her phone back and she gave me a questioning look.

"I left my phone at Jackson's and he's gonna bring it here," I told her and she just nodded.

We watched the football game and soon I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and a voice shout BOO!

I squealed a little and jerked to the side.

Jackson stepped over our bench and sat beside me laughing. I rolled my eyes and held my hand out. He slapped my phone into in and sobered up a little.

He looked at our faces and said "Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh my," And we laughed realizing that it was true.

we watched the football game but our team ended up losing by four points.

We followed Jackson for some reason and went to the other side of the field. I hated that game. I honestly don't get football but I acted like I did. The only game I get is baseball.

He yelled out a name (Jason) and one of the Panther members looked over.

"Jackson hey bro," He said and ran over. They grabbed hands and did that weird dude hug that all guys do.

"What's going on?" Jackson asked.

"Nothing really. Who are they?" He asked am=nd motioned to us girls.

"That is Winnie the Pooh, Tiger, and the cowardly lion," He said motioning to each of us.

"Nice," Jason laughed. "What are your real names?" He asked. His blue-grey eyes fixed on me.

"I'm Serina, this is Brittany and that is Ally," Serina said proudly.

"I'm Jason," He smiled at me. I smiled back. He was really cute. About as cute as Jackso- wait. No. Bad Ally. Bad Ally.

"Can we go now I'm hungry?" Brittany whined.

"Yeah lets go," Serina said.

"Bye Jason!" I called walking with the girls "And you two Gorilla!" I referred to Jackson and I could almost feel his glare.

Then we just went to Freddy's to get something to eat and talked and talked and talked about literally everything there was to talk about. 

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