Chapter 19

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While the girls and I were sitting at our booth I heard a clicking of three pairs of heels and I just brushed it off thinking it was some business ladies here to eat or something but soon I saw a manicured hand come out of nowhere and grab my tray and slid it onto my chest, spilling my burger, fries, and ketchup all over my hoodie.

My mouth dropped open and I looked up to see the one and only slut of the school with her slutty barbies.

"Oops," McKenzie laughed clicking her heels as she walked to a booth.

I walked up to the counter and asked for a cup of water. I walked over to her and dumped the whole thing on her bleached hair. She screamed and stood up looking at me. "Oops," I said and smirked walking back to my booth.
"This isn't over nerd," she said storming out of the diner.
"Anyways. What's been happening between you and Jackson?" Serina grinned at me. The corners of my mouth tugged a slight bit but I shook my head and said nothing.
"Don't give me that. There's something going on. I can tell by the way you look at each other," She states crossing her arms over her chest.
"There isn't anyway I look at him except with disgust," I replied and she left it at that.


After we ate we went to Brittany's house and decided to watch a movie.
I then got a text from Jackson.
'I need you here now. Meet me at my place' -Jackson
I don't know what this is all about but I figured I had to go.
I told Brittany and Serina my dad wanted to see me at the hospital and that I'd see them later.
When I arrived at Jackson's house I knocked on the door and Alise opened the door with a warm smile.
"I'm here to see Jackson," I smiled back at her.
"Ok. He's up in his room," she moved away from the door to let me in.
I walked to the stairs but soon stopped when Alise called my name.
"Alexia and I are going to meet up with my high school friend and her daughter right now so don't have too much fun," she winks at me. Like that'll ever happen.
I nodded and walked up the stairs. I didn't bother knocking and just walked in.
Jackson was standing by his dresser wearing a white t-shirt and a grey jacket.
"What do you want?" I asked him staying by the door.
"I have to tell you something," he says looking into my eyes and motioning for me to sit down on his bed.
I do and he starts his story.
"So when my dad left I was able to whatever because my mom sat in her room all the time. I was about thirteen when I signed up for the underground fighting league," I widened my eyes. He's an underground fighter?
"Anyways. Instead of going as Jackson I go as Damien Ace," I nod acting as though I got it but really in my mind I was so confused.
"So what does this have to do with me?" I ask. He smirks and grabs a mask.
"You go with me and cover for me," He said.
"What if I don't want to?" I cross my arms over my chest.
"I'll make you," he said and walked to his door. "Let's go," he called walking down the stairs.
I groaned and got up, walking to down the stairs.
He was waiting at the door and I walked out.
We both walked outside and when I was heading to his car he stopped me.
"Where are you going?" He asked opening the garage door.
"To the car?" I told him.
"We're not going in the car," he said walking into the garage.
"Then what are we going in?" I asked cautiously walking up to the garage opening.
"On this," he said straddling a black Harley motorcycle.
"Yeah no. I'm not getting on that thing," I eyed it up and down.
" yes you are come on," he said turning the key and revving the engine.
"No. I'm not getting on a death trap," I said still eyeing it carefully like any minute it will come to life and attack me.
"Come on. Are you scared?" He smirked at me.
I rolled my eyes. "Defiantly not," I walked over to the killer vehicle and put my leg near it. I put my hand on his shoulder and threw my leg over the seat.
When I was comfortable I looked around for something to hold on to but it was too late.
Jackson pulled his feet up and we took off.
I wrapped my arms around Jackson's waist and buried my head into his back.
The wind whipping past me was cool but felt good.
I slowly lifted my head and looked around.
The world was whizzing past at super sonic speed.
I had to squint against the wind and keep my mouth closed in case of bugs.
The ride felt like five minutes before Jackson stopped the motorcycle in front of a dark grey concrete building.
The parking lot was crowded and people were filling I through the front door.
I pulled my leg off the motorcycle and so did Jackson. We walked to the side door-he more like dragged me actually- and were met by a lean guy with dark brown hair and electric blue tips.
"Hey man," the guy held his hand out.
"Hey," Jackson said and grabbed the hand. "When's the fight?" He asked when they pulled away.
"Five minutes," he smiled. He looked at me and his eyes widened. "Who's this pretty thing?"
I glanced at Jackson and saw him glaring at the guy. "David this is Ally. Ally this is David," he rolled his eyes. If he was embarrassed of me meeting his "fighter buddies" then why'd he bring me?
"Nice to meet you Ally. So if your back here I'm guessing you know?" He asked glancing at Jackson.
"Know about what?" I questioned looking at David.
"Damien Ace," he stated. I nodded the looked at Jackson. He was already staring at me and we locked eyes.
"Ok so your on in two," David said looking at the clock.
Jackson nodded and took off his jacket. He handed it to me and then removed his shirt. I stared at his chiseled abs and he caught me gawking. My eyes returned to his and I saw he had a mischievous glint in his eyes and his signature smirk. "You like it?" He asked.
"Eh. I've seen better," I shrugged and he laughed.
"Your on," David said.
Jackson looked at him then back at me. "Wish me luck," he said and walked through the door.
David lead me out and we were in perfect view of the fight but not up front.
I don't like fights but I kinda wanna see this one for some reason.
The speaker called out the buff opponent through the microphone and there was a few cheers.
"Now who do you want?!" He yelled.
"DAMIEN!!!" The crowed cheered.
"Well here's the one and only... DAMIAN ACE!" He drew out the name for emphasis. The crowed roared out in cheers and Jackson/ Damian ran onto the rink and held his arms up.
The buff guy looked determined and Jackson looked calm but tense if that made sense.
The horn blew and the opponent threw the first punch. Damien dodged it and punched him in the jaw.
He then elbowed his back and the opponent went toppling to the floor.
Damien punched him again when he staggered up and the opponent fell back to the floor gushing blood from his nose.
"And the winner is Damien Ace!!!!!" The mic jumpy yelled running into the rink.
Jackson met my eyes and started towards me.
I felt like the building was suffocating me and I wanted out.
But I was glued to the spot in Jackson's eyes.
His mask covered his face except his eyes and mouth.
The crowd parted and he made his way to me.
He did the unexpected and lifted me up bridal style and kept walking.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Leaving," and that was all he said.
He parked his motorcycle in the garage and I started walking to my house.
"Ally," he called. It was halfway dark now and I didn't think we were in there that long.
I turned around and saw him staring at me intensely. "Good night," he said. I smiled.
"Good night," he smiled too and I turned back around to go home.
When I got inside I smiled and closed my eyes.
Today was a good day. I hung out with the girls, watched a movie, got a text from the bad boy, figured out he's two people, and watched a guy almost die today. Wow. What am I doing with my life?
I walked upstairs and to my room. The house was quiet. Like always. I planned on going to see my dad tomorrow but for now I am going to relax. I turned music on on my phone and put on some spanks. I took my shirt off and danced around my room in spanks and my sports bra. So much for relaxing huh?
I danced to my closet and grabbed a lose purple tank top and threw it on.
I got really sleepy after awhile and flopped down onto the bed.
The next morning my alarm clock woke me up and I pressed the off button.
I got out of bed and went to my closet groggily.
I grabbed a hoodie and some jeans and went to my bathroom.
I got dressed and washed my face.
I applied my makeup which consisted of mascara and Chapstick and went back to my room.
I slipped on my black and white converse and grabbed my cell phone.
I grabbed my bag and saw Jackson's jacket sitting beside it. I grabbed it too and checked my phone. One text.
'Meet me outside in three. I'm giving you a ride ;)' -Jackson
I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile tugging at my lips.
We better not be riding in the death-mobile.
I went downstairs and walked out the front door.
Jackson was waiting in his driveway leaning on his car.
He was wearing jeans and a grey t-shirt with a leather jacket.
"Ready to go?" He asked pushing off the car.
"Yeah," I nodded and walked to him. I extended my arm to give him his jacket back. He looked at it and back at me.
"It's yours," I bounced it a little.
"So?" He asked like it was the most ridiculous thing in the world.
"So... Take it," I told him. He just shrugged and opened the door.
"Keep it," he said and slammed the door shut.
I smiled a little and got into the passenger seat.
He pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.
"Well?" He asked.
"Well what?" I was confused.
"Most girls would freak out if I gave them my jacket and put it on," he stated.
"I'm not most girls," I told him.
"Ain't that the truth," I heard him say under his breath.
We arrived at school and he told me to put the jacket on.
I did and it was almost twice the size of me.
We walked inside and to our lockers.
I opened mine and grabbed the books I needed for Spanish.
I stuffed then in my bag and slammed my locker.
I looked at Jackson and saw frowning at his phone.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My dad texted me," he told me not looking up.
"And?" I didn't see the problem except that his dad is a total dick. I know it's not really my right to say that but the story Jackson told me is pretty messed up.
"And..." He looked up. "He wants me to be his best man at his wedding," my eyes widened.
"He's getting married?" I asked.
He shrugged "to Lindsey," he rolled his eyes.
"What are you going to tell your mom?" I asked him. He closed his eyes and reached out.
His hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer.
I wrapped one arm around his back and laid my head on his chest.
My stomach did three thousand flips and I smiled a little. I don't know why but I like his touch.
He pulled away when the warning bell rang and we walked slowly to our class.


School has been normal and its lunch now. Finally.
I sat at our table seeing everyone sitting already.
Kane was sitting here today. That's weird.
"Hey," I sat next to Jackson.
"Where's Vanessa?" I asked Kane.
"We broke up," he eyes his food.
"I'm so sorry," Brittany looked at him.
"Nah. It's cool. I broke up with her," he shrugged.
"Ok everyone meet at my house Friday after school," Skylar said. "We need to talk about... Recent changes," he said looking between Jackson and I.
I glanced at Jackson and he looked at me and shrugged.
I don't know what that was about but I guess I will find out.
I continued drinking my orange juice and talked with everyone.
What was up with Jackson lately?

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