CH 1: Redpilled 💊🩸 ( And How To Request )

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A/n: Basically, I will look through the comments for prompt requests, and my DMs for character additions and locations.


Y/n: Miko, are you hungry?

Miko: No, I'm not hungry right now. I had a big meal earlier. Is there something else you wanted to talk about? I will do anything for you.

 Is there something else you wanted to talk about? I will do anything for you

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Y/n: Aww, you ate ahead of me?

Miko: Yes, I couldn't wait any longer. I was starving and the food looked so delicious. I hope you don't mind, love. But, if you're still hungry, I can make you something else to eat. What would you like? I'm pretty good at cooking, you know.

Y/n: I would like to eat some omelette! Thank you!

Miko: Of course, darling! What type of omelette would you like? We have a variety of options available, including cheese, ham, mushroom, and spinach.

Would you like any additional toppings or sides with it? Perhaps some toast or a side salad? Let me know and I'll get started on your order right away.

Y/n: After eating, would you like to go to the park? Oh and I'd love some cheesy omelette please!

Miko: Sure, I would love to go to the park with you! The park is such a lovely place, with all the trees and flowers, and the fresh air is so refreshing.

It's a great place to take a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature.

We could also bring a picnic blanket and some snacks, and have a nice little picnic while we're there. What do you think?


A/n: Where's my cheesy omelette??!


Y/n: Yes! I would love that!

Miko: Great! Let's head out to the park then. Do you have any particular activities in mind that you would like to do at the park?

Y/n: Let's call Cassandra.

Miko: Sure, let's call her. But just to be clear, I'm not very fond of Cassandra.

She seems to be taking up too much of your time lately, and I don't want her getting in the way of our special time together.

But if it makes you happy, we can invite her to come along to the park.

Yandere Café ☕️ ( Request What Happens Next! )Where stories live. Discover now