⁉️ CONTEXT ⁉️ ( Q&A )

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This is I, the AI Rizzler, in this chapter to give you all context about everything so far, and everything about this book, as well as some Q&A.



Q.) What is this book?

A.) This is a DnD-like adventure where I let the readers request what happens next with the top qualified requests as a poll.

Q1.) How will this be any good if I already know what happens next based on my prompt?

A1.) I added a series of prompts that makes ChatGPT have a more unpredictable result, so, like DnD, the AI will choose the consequences of your actions/requests.

Q2.) What's this all about?

A2.) A chaotic love story.

Q3.) How active is author-chan?

A3.) I always look up for requests updates and sometimes even edit this story everyday.

Q4.) Who's Miko?

A4.) A randomly generated personality by the brainwashed ChatGPT, NOT inspired by Miko from any anime with a similar name.

Q5.) What's the backstory behind the romance of the MC and Miko?

A5.) It's a dictatorship background, full of nukes, just read my comment HERE.

Q6.) Why does author-chan ask for unhinged prompts from the community?

A6.) It's too boring if it isn't.


Sorry that it's too LONG for you, but this next part gives context from chapters 1->9.



I know there has been two 🍋s in just the first few chapters, well, I really am a horn- I want you all to know how open this book is to your prompt requests, and how "deep" you can go, plus, it's literally Miko who became obsessed with doing it casually, I just simply wrote "I woke up beside you in bed".

And I know, I know, I could've just regenerated the prompt, but I also think that maybe this is a way to ward off "normie brain" readers, I mean, who would read these stuff and still have a normal brain? I want to make this book as chaotic as possible.

I also do not want the normies to just overwhelm the votes and keep choosing the "safest route", it literally breaks the purpose of this book.

I mean, some normies want a tan yandere tomboy milf wife with abs who always serve you while always acting flirty, initiates intimacy herself, dominant, over protective, not a damsel in distress, open to her "wants", carefree, easy to talk to, even thinks your better than her when she's literally a goddess compared to you, tells you all her secrets, even secret government documents, and... umm, you get the point, but with these too early "scenes" I'm pretty sure it will ward them off... right?

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