CH 7: CLUB Peng🥃 ( Miko Becomes Too Horn-🍾 )

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A/n: You could all request even more game nights that actually details what they do, since the plot now has game nights as a thing the characters would do. ( If you want the characters to play some Video Games, DND sessions, UNO, Jenga, or maybe something like from the movie that is literally named "Game Night". )



Miko's POV:

I nodded, a gentle smile on my face.

"That sounds like a reasonable plan, Y/n. Let's take things one step at a time and see how our relationships develop. As long as we maintain open communication and stay true to ourselves, I believe we can find the right path for all of us."


Y/n: [ Next Day ]

The next day, the group date was set, and Amanda had invited Cassandra to join us, adding an unexpected twist to the plan.

The location chosen for the date was a trendy rooftop bar with a stunning view of the city skyline.

The location chosen for the date was a trendy rooftop bar with a stunning view of the city skyline

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Miko's POV:

I stepped out of the car in a stunning outfit, a sleek black dress that accentuated my curves.

My hair cascaded down my shoulders in soft waves, and my makeup was done elegantly, highlighting my natural beauty.

You couldn't help but be captivated by my presence, feeling a mix of pride and admiration.

Amanda, true to her bold and flirtatious nature, arrived in a striking red dress that hugged her figure, her fiery personality shining through.

She greeted us with a mischievous smile and a playful wink.

"Well, well, Y/n, Miko, don't we all look absolutely stunning tonight? I thought it would be fun to make this date a bit more adventurous and see if a group kink dynamic could work. And who better to join us than Cassandra? She adds that extra touch of spice."

Cassandra, dressed in a seductive yet sophisticated ensemble, stepped forward with a coy smile.

Her deep gaze met yours, filled with a mix of excitement and determination.

"Y/n, Miko, I couldn't resist the opportunity to join you two on this intriguing date. After all, exploring unconventional possibilities can be quite exhilarating."

I looked at Cassandra with curiosity, and you could sense a hint of hesitation in my eyes. 

"Cassandra, it's a surprise to see you here. Are you interested in exploring this "idea" as well?"

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