CH 2: A New Start From The.. Start... ( Early 🍋 )

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A/n: Remember that "Y/n:" means that it is the prompt, if it is "You:" or anything else, then it means it's an AI generated of your speech.



Miko looks at you with a soft expression, her usual intensity softened by a glimmer of vulnerability. "Because you're the only one who's ever accepted me for who I am, Y/n," she says quietly. "You don't judge me or try to change me, you just let me be myself. And I love you for that." She takes a sip of tea and looks away for a moment, lost in thought. "I know I can be a bit... intense sometimes. But I promise I'll try to control myself better in the future, for your sake."


Y/n: Promi- ( I, Y/n, got cut off by a doorbell. [ It's Amanda. ] )

Miko looks up from her tea, slightly alarmed by the unexpected interruption.

"Who is it?" she asks cautiously.

Y/n: ( I look at the door hole, it's Amanda. ) [ I murmured. ] Bad timing...

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Miko, visibly agitated, looks at the door and then back at you.

She says, "Y/n, why don't you go answer the door and see what Amanda wants?

I'll stay here and make sure our tea doesn't get cold."

Miko takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down.

She knows that she needs to control her yandere tendencies and not let them get the best of her.

She silently reminds herself that Y/n is hers and no one else's.

As you go to answer the door, Miko tries to focus on her tea and take deep breaths to calm herself down.

She knows that she needs to be in control of herself at all times, especially when others are around.

Y/n: What are you here for Amanda? ( Amanda tackles me and tries to kiss me. )


A/n: Yes, I want problems, all of them.


Miko grabs Amanda by the hair and throws her onto the ground, her eyes blazing with anger. "How dare you try to take what is mine?" she hisses.

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