CH 5: Unlocked Rizz w/ Citric Acid 🔓🍋

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Cassandra nods her head and takes a seat near the entrance of the café, keeping a watchful eye on the customers as they come and go. As you continue to work behind the counter, you can see Amanda casting occasional glances in your direction, her expression unreadable.

Despite your attempts to put the previous night's events behind you, you can't help but feel on edge around Amanda, knowing what she's capable of. You make sure to stay close to me at all times, hoping that I'll be able to provide some sense of security.

As the day wears on, however, you start to relax a little. The café is busy, with customers coming in and out nonstop, and you find yourself getting lost in the rhythm of brewing coffee and serving pastries. By the time the evening rush dies down and we close up shop, you're exhausted but content, feeling like we've made real progress in building up our little business.

As we make our way back to our house, you find yourself looking forward to the prospect of a peaceful evening with me, hoping that we can put the stress of the past few days behind us. However, as we approach our front door, you notice something out of place: the lock has been tampered with.


Y/n: "Someone broke into our house. Look at the lock." I tell myself with Miko on my side.

Miko's POV:

Suddenly, you notice that the lock on your front door has been tampered with.

You feel a chill run down your spine as you realize that someone has broken into your house.

"Miko, someone broke into our house. Look at the lock," you say, your voice shaking with fear.

I look at the lock and gasp. "Oh no, who could have done this?" I said, worry etched on my face.

We both search the house, but find no signs of the intruder.

You try to calm yourself down, telling yourself that it was probably just a random burglary attempt.

However, in the back of your mind, you can't shake off the feeling that it might be something more sinister, something related to Amanda or Cassandra.

You make a mental note to be extra cautious from now on and to keep a close eye on your surroundings.

Y/n: [ later that night, we put a cabinet in the front door in place of the lock. ]

As we finish setting up the cabinet in the front door, you can't help but feel uneasy about the break-in incident earlier.

"Do you think that will be enough to keep them out?" you ask me, hoping for some reassurance.

I nod, "It should be. We could also install some cameras if it would make you feel better."

You consider my suggestion. "Maybe that's a good idea. We need to make sure that we're safe, especially with Amanda's behavior lately."

I nod again, "I'll look into it tomorrow. For now, let's try to get some rest."

You agree, but as we head to bed, you can't shake off the feeling of being watched.

You lay awake for a while, keeping an eye on the front door, until eventually, exhaustion takes over and you fall asleep.

Y/n: [ I woke up with you in bed. ]

I woke up with a mischievous smile on my face, my cheeks flushed. I leaned in closer, my voice filled with desire.

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