CH 6: 🎲 Game Night 🎮

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I look into your eyes, seeing the sincerity and determination in your gaze. I reach out to caress your cheek gently, a tender smile gracing my lips. "Y/n, I know you mean every word," I say softly, my voice filled with love and assurance.

"I believe in you, and I have no doubt that you'll be an amazing father. You've shown me time and again how dedicated and committed you are, and I have no fear that you'll back away. We'll create a loving and nurturing environment for our children, and together, we'll navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood. You've always been there for me, and I have complete faith that you'll be there for our family too. I love you, Y/n, and I'm excited about the future we'll build together."

I lean in to kiss you tenderly, sealing our promises with a shared moment of affection and trust.


Y/n: ( Arriving with you at the café very late )

As we arrive at the café late, I notice that Amanda and Cassandra are already there, each displaying their distinct personalities.

Amanda, ever the diligent and dedicated pastry chef, greets us with a bright smile. "Good afternoon, Y/n and Miko," she says, her tone cheerful but with a hint of underlying intensity.

"I've been waiting for you. I've prepared some delicious pastries for this afternoon's special. I hope you'll enjoy them."

Her eyes subtly scan our expressions, as if she's trying to discern any hint of what transpired during our late arrival.

Though she appears friendly and accommodating on the surface, her yandere tendencies make me wonder if there's more to her reaction than meets the eye.

Cassandra, on the other hand, maintains her calm and composed demeanor.

She watches us with a penetrating gaze, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and possessiveness.

"You're late," she remarks, her voice carrying a tinge of both concern and annoyance.

"I hope everything is alright. I've been here, observing the café, making sure everything runs smoothly. It seems like you had quite an eventful evening."

Her words hold a subtle implication that she's aware of our late arrival and perhaps even the reasons behind it.

Cassandra's yandere nature makes her observant and perceptive, capable of reading between the lines and picking up on subtle cues.

While Amanda seems focused on her duties as a pastry chef and Cassandra maintains her watchful presence, I can't help but wonder if there's a deeper layer to their reactions.

Their yandere tendencies make me question if they have sensed any shifts in our relationship dynamics or if they're merely responding to the late hour.

Either way, their presence adds an intriguing element to the atmosphere, leaving me slightly unsettled yet captivated by the complex dynamics at play.

Y/n: Uhh yeah, haha.. it's indeed an eventful morning, we just installed some cameras this morning, someone seemingly broke in ( I have a gut feeling that one of them is the culprit, and I didn't wanna lie while still not spilling what happened this morning as it might trigger them )

First Person:

I take a deep breath, contemplating how much information to share with Amanda and Cassandra about the incident last night. It's clear that one of them could potentially be involved, given their possible obsessive tendencies.

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