CH 3: Caffeine ☕️ & Stonks📈

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As you entered the kitchen, you saw that it was fully equipped with all the necessary appliances and tools needed for cooking. You quickly checked the fridge and pantry and started gathering the ingredients for breakfast.

As you were cooking, the smell of the food filled the air, and you couldn't help but smile at the thought of Miko waking up to the aroma. You prepared a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast, along with some freshly brewed coffee.

As you finished cooking, you heard Miko stirring upstairs, so you quickly set the table and waited for her to come down. When she finally entered the kitchen, you greeted her with a smile and a kiss.

"Good morning, beautiful. I hope you slept well," you said as you pulled out a chair for her to sit.

Miko smiled back and sat down, looking pleased at the sight of the food. "It smells delicious, thank you," she said as she took a bite of the eggs.

You both enjoyed your breakfast together, chatting about your plans for the day and reminiscing about your past experiences together. After finishing your meal, you cleaned up the kitchen and headed out for the day's activities.


Y/n: Miko, since we're going to live here, I'm going to find a way to start our very own business, getting a job now might leak our identities...


A/n: I know, stonks.


Miko nods in agreement and says, "I think that's a great idea. What kind of business are you thinking of starting?"

Y/n: Hmm, I was actually thinking of asking you for ideas, you know, so we both can enjoy work and our free time.

Miko: Well, I was thinking we could start a small restaurant or café, since we both love cooking and trying out new recipes. 

We could create a menu that incorporates dishes from our hometown and add our own twist to them.

It could be a cozy place where people can come and enjoy good food and maybe even have some live music or entertainment.

What do you think?

Y/n: You always have the best ideas Miko! Let's do that then.

Miko: Great! I'm excited to hear your thoughts too.

Maybe we can start brainstorming some ideas and see where it takes us.

Y/n: Maybe we can make strawberry shortcake ( Miko's favorite ) our main dessert for the menu.

Miko: That sounds like a great idea!

We could also experiment with different flavors and toppings to make it unique and stand out from other dessert places.

And since we'll be living in a new country, maybe we can incorporate local flavors into our desserts as well.

What do you think?

Y/n: Oh yeah, the locals here do have a different opinion on taste. Maybe we could start off by having our neighbors as samplers?

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