CH 4: Problems, I Want Them All! 🫱🏻😩

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[ Kudos to my friend for the video, really inspiring to be a great leader ]



As you ponder on your thoughts, you eventually drift off into a deep sleep. The night passes by quietly, and you wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. Miko is still sleeping soundly beside you, and you gently kiss her forehead before getting up from bed.

As you head downstairs to prepare breakfast, you can't help but wonder about Amanda and her true intentions. You push the thought aside for now and focus on the task at hand. Once breakfast is ready, you wake Miko up and the two of you enjoy a nice meal together.

After breakfast, you decide to head out and explore the area where Amanda had suggested. You, Miko, and Amanda drive around and check out potential locations for your new cafe. As you drive, you can feel Amanda's gaze on you, but you try to ignore it.

Eventually, you find the perfect spot for your cafe, and you all get out of the car to take a closer look. You discuss the details of the business and start making plans for the future. As the day wears on, you feel a sense of excitement and anticipation about what's to come.

However, little do you know that Amanda is secretly planning something behind your back, and her yandere tendencies are slowly starting to take over...


Y/n: "Cassandra, how are you?" I said through a phone as Cassandra suddenly calls.

As you speak, Cassandra's voice comes through the phone's speaker.

"Hey, I'm doing well," she says. "How about you? How's life treating you?"

"I'm doing well, thanks for asking," you replied to Cassandra.

"Miko and I are actually starting our own business here in town. We're opening up a dessert cafe, and we've already got Amanda on board as a partner."

"That's great news!" Cassandra exclaimed.

"I've always known you were destined for big things. I would love to come visit and see the cafe once it's up and running."

"Of course, you're always welcome here," you said with a smile.

"We're actually scouting out locations today, so we'll keep you posted on our progress."

"Sounds good, keep me in the loop," Cassandra replied.

"And be careful, you never know who might be watching."

you paused for a moment, unsure of what she meant. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, just a feeling I have," Cassandra said, her voice trailing off.

"Anyway, good luck with the cafe. Talk to you soon."

"Thanks, Cassandra. Talk to you soon," you replied before hanging up the phone, feeling slightly uneasy.

Y/n: "Miko, Cassandra just called" I say as I want to reassure Miko that I won't do anything wrong behind her back.

Miko nods and smiles, "I trust you, my love. You can talk to whoever you want."

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