Chapter 1

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"My lord, May you live your life as a human"A loyal Shinobi said before ending his life

Then after that. Blank, Nothing but darkness.

Sekiro was Shinobi that was found by a giant Shinobi owl when Sekiro was just a pup. The owl trained the pup in the Shinobi ways until the pup became a wolf. He then was tasked at protecting someone but fails to do so and lost an arm in the process but it was replaced by a prosthetic with tools. And soon he became immortal and became the Shinobi of the divine heir and went through hardships for his lord. Until he ended his life so that his lord may live

Then soon the one armed wolf has awoken in an unknown land. He is still in Japan but everything seems different

He saw a puddle of clear water and there he saw his reflection

He saw a puddle of clear water and there he saw his reflection

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He was young again. Back when he was at the age of 15 to be precise. He didn't know how or why he got younger but that should not be his main priority

He then notices that he still has his prosthetic arm and the Mortal Blade on his back but he appears to not have Kusabimaru with him. But then he saw a corpse and by some chances the corpse has a sword next to it. The blade was average but anything can be deadly in the hands of a skilled Shinobi

He puts the sword on his waist and heads off in a straight direction. He then heard something, They were footsteps. He then jumped on a tree to hide but also went closer by silently jumping from tree to tree and then he saw the source of the sound

He saw... Something, It looked like a man but it was no man, It was a monster with six eyes

 Something, It looked like a man but it was no man, It was a monster with six eyes

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But then he also saw someone else. Someone that reminded him of

 Someone that reminded him of

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