Part 1🌻

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Y/n pov
I'm supposed to be dead, which I wouldn't have minded, but no.

I found myself in a bed that was not familiar to me in any way.

"Where the hell am I?"I thought to myself before picking out an outfit from a drawer.

I went downstairs to see a woman getting ready to leave.

"Y/n! Hurry up! you have to catch the bus to school!"

All I could think about while leaving and looking up directions to get to school was,"Who is that lady? Why was I in her house? How am I not dead?"

My thoughts got distracted by purple spheres that were miraculously floating in the sky.

I tapped a random guy's shoulder and asked,"What are those?"

I pointed at the sky.

"To be honest, nobody knows they just showed up a year ago." He

We talked the whole time about the spheres and theorized why they were there.

A/n- in this au, there are no uniforms just cause I didn't feel like it. I'm sorry if you wanted the uniforms.

When our stop came we said goodbye and he told me his name was Younghoon.

When I walked into Seongjin, I wandered around because I didn't know where to go.

Kids were roaming the halls, making it even harder for me to find my class.

"Y/n! How was your weekend?" A voice said while hugging me from behind.

I elbowed them in the stomach and spun around to see a girl wince in pain for a minute.

She flicked me on the forehead to get back at me.

"Geez, so jumpy! It's me, Bora! How could you not recognize me?"Bora said

"Anyway, let's go. Class is about to start."

"Sorry, I didn't know it was you," I lied, making up the quickest excuse as not to offend her,"You look...different."

When we entered the classroom, I immediately noticed Younghoon.

I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, I didn't know you were in my class!" I said to Younghoon

He looked up at me and smiled slightly.

"That's because we never talked in school before. Everyone hates me and I hate them too." He sighed.

"Hey y/n! Stop talking to him." Someone yelled.

"Il Ha! Leave l/n,y/n alone! She can do whatever she wants. " Bora said just as the school bell rang.

I don't remember knowing her, but I was grateful that she stood up for me.

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