Part 7.5 🌻

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*TW: Blood/Gore*
Mild bad grammar

Third Person POV:

The shooting practice ended and they all were glad to be heading back to the school.

Halfway through Mr. Lee got a message from one of the higher-ups that something was wrong and that the group who went before him didn't make it back.

"Stay here, lay low don't move an inch from your spot." Mr. Lee commanded the group. They were beyond confused but most of them listened and sat down.

Y/n sat there trying so hard not to try and run away but then she got a vision

*It was blurry but y/n noticed that she had found one of the sphere nests. 

Trapped by one of the larger spheres which was smaller than it looked the first time sat Younghoon all bloody and scarred.

He looks as if he was beaten up and cut with a knife. He stood still, his eyes wide in terror. Y/n covered her eyes as she cried for him.

She needed him to be safe and tried to shoot the sphere but the bullet just passed through the sphere and in turn, turned to mist and so did Younghoon.* vision ends.

'I need to find him, I have to' y/n thought frantically trying to stand up but was pulled back down by Yeonju.

She Was panicking and pushing the

Worried for her friend, Yeonju immediately yanked y/n back down

"Y/n, what are you doing? They said to stay quiet and lay low, and that is so not at all what you are doing." She asked motioning for Bora to come and calm her down.

Narrator pov

You still tried to get away but when Bora hugged you stopped and began to cry again.

  "Ok, you have to tell me the truth this time what happened?" She asked as you struggled to get away.

Bora hugged you, "Gosh damnit Y/n!  I'm begging you, yell me right now. Tell me what's wrong with you. Everyone's worried so stop being stubborn and spill i-" She was cut off

Kimchi shivers but answers for you, tired of keeping it a secret. Younghoon is..he-he's dead." Tears rolling down his face.

You notice that Il-Ha looked like he would commit murder.

Suddenly out of nowhere Ms. Park turned to the group and screamed at the top of her lungs," Run... Go NOW!!!"

Nara was the first one other than Miss Park to see the dismembered limbs and bloody bodies littering the way.

Blood on the glass windows, heads, and chests with wide holes in them oozing with blood, Guts, and organs spilling out as if they were ripped from the victims.

The most horrifying part though was not the dead bodies, but the fact that they were wearing the same uniforms as them. Meaning they were the group who arrived beforehand.

Before they could start running little weird-looking purple things more than a thousand of them, started coming out.

Everyone began to run Bora tried to drag you along with her but you noticed Ms. Park wasn't moving like she was frozen as a statue.

You ran back to her but you were too late and she was pierced through the chest by one of the tiny spheres.

You screamed in terror trying to run backwards but you tripped over a shoe that was left by one of the dead bodies and fell to your back.

Right as you fell you felt pain like a strike like lightning at the back of your head. You squirmed to get away.

The thing was getting awfully close to you as you tried to drag yourself away as fast as you could, desperate to escape from it.

As it was almost upon you you tried throwing one of your shoes at it your head starting to feel dizzy.

It sprinted and threw itself close to you.

And you wondered as it got close, if you died you would be able to reunite with Younghoon again without having to save him.

You closed your eyes ready to accept your death as your vision became darker and you passed out.

To be continued....

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