Chapter 6🌻

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I finally got my Phone fixed!!!!

Without further ado here's the next chapter : )


Y/n had ignored me all morning. From the time we woke up to the time we got our uniforms on.

It hurt me, but I knew the reason and I couldn't blame her.

I tried time and time again but she just walked away from me.

Finally, as we waited for Commander Lee to announce the next task I took my chance and slowly walked over to my best friend and hugged her. It was the only thing I could think of doing other than apologizing.

"Y/n I'm sorry you know that right?" I asked her, "I'll try to get along with Aesol and everyone else but please stop ignoring me."

She smiled "Fine, just try to get along with her ok? No more problems."

I nodded at that. I sighed. For the sake of our friendship, I have to try and get along with Aesol.

Me and Y/n walked back over to the group and I stayed true to my word, going up and asking Aesol to join us.

If being nice to Aesol was what needed to be done I would make it work.

Aesol looked at me like she thought I had gone crazy already but I paid it no mind.

Besides it can't be that hard to reconcile right?

My eyes darted around the group timidly.

I was afraid that I might let what happened that night slip out of my mouth and Il-Ha would would then have a reason to kill me.

Just then Nana came over to me and and patted my back.

"Try to relax a bit. I can assure you that it'll make you feel better." She murmured, me hardly hearing what she said.

Still, I did appreciate her efforts.

I started to calm down as Mr. Lee arrived in front of us as a whole and announced that we would be doing target practice

Lee Chunho-
I stood in front of this class feeling annoyed already.

They were always too reckless, never listening, and always fooling around.

I was tired of them, sure, but that doesn't mean I would give up.

They still had a lot to learn and I plan on being the one who teaches them.

"We will be going to do some target practice near the city so stay alert, do you copy?" I asked almost yelling.

They all nodded at me. I don't mean to be scared but it's just the way I am.

I can't sugarcoat anything, not after what happened that day.


On our way to the shooting range, I suddenly had a flashback about what happened in my past life and remembered what my name used to be before I got here.

Flashback warning*

Aewon High-school(made up)
(Third-person POV)
Y/n and her friend were horrified and hid in the supply closet to escape. They tried to stay quiet while shaking in terror. After what had just happened they didn't know what else to do. Who were they, and why are they here? Y/n had thought as the people continued to search for students. The terrorist's hands were covered in blood from their schoolmates as they searched high and low. Just then her friend knocked over a bucket of bleach and they were found. One of the terrorists found them and shot her friend in the shoulder and took them into custody,"Why are you shooting everyone?" Y/n asked the terrorist," What did we ever do to you?"
They then took off their mask and she was shaken by the face she saw,"Daewon?"

"Oh,You didn't do anything. You were the only one who stood up for me in this school. Even your friend over there bullied me. So yes eventually, I cracked. Can you blame me? This is what happens when you have connections with people in high can massacre a whole school and get away with it." Daewon said chuckling to himself. Y/n suddenly had the urge to slap him,"It still isn't right! I thought you were over it. You said you were doing better..."

Daewon glared at her,"You know I was just about to spare you, but it turns out you were just like the rest." He raised his gun and went to shoot her friend but shot her instead as she blacked the bullet...the last thing she heard was her best friend screaming...

That's how she ended up in the DAS universe

Authors note-

I just wanted to add something real quick,

Bullying is a major issue all around the world. Try to stay positive everyone and report that person if you are being bullied. No one deserves it. Mental health is very important so everyone take care of yourselves. Love you, thanks for your support!!

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