Part 4.5🌻

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        After I woke up from my absurd dream, I got ready for whatever we would be doing next.

I hate the spheres will all my being
and I will not stop until I get him back safely, if I can get him back safely

I sat close to the window in the classroom.

Looking up at the spheres, this time around my perspective of them changed from beautiful, to deadly.

Instead of feeling amazement as I used to, I felt great resentment and hatred while looking at them.

Chiyeol sighed and I then noticed that he was thinking about last night as well.

I couldn't ignore how odd Y/n, Il Ha, and Chiyeol were acting.

I walked over and sat down in
front of y/n.

"Hey, y/n are you ok?" I ask her seeing how down and sad she looked.

She gave me an obviously fake smile, "Yeah, I'm fine don't worry about me."

I stare at her directly," Yeah, you and I both know that's bull**** y/n," I stress out
"I can tell something is bothering you just by looking at your face. Spit it out."

She looks like she's just about to give in and tell me but Il Ha interrupts us.

"Aish! Bora, leave her alone. She doesn't want to tell you." Il Ha says sitting on the table beside her.

I stand up and point at the three of them.

" You three have been acting weird all morning no wonder I got suspicious," I said as I walk back to my desk.

Time skip to next training activity*
No one's pov

Everyone seemed to struggle with keeping their pebbles on their guns.

It was hard to keep the pebble balanced and everyone struggled with it.

This task was easier for y/n than the others because she had learned this in a military camp during the summer before she died.

Because of her advantage, y/n and Nara were the first to finish.
The two girls moved to the side and waited by their teachers for the others to finish the course.

I looked over at y/n got a water bottle and handed it to her.

"Here, drink this it'll make you feel better."I said smiling at her.

She accepted it,"Thank you I am so thirsty."

   As she drank I asked the question I've been wanting to ask her all day.

"So...tell me, why do you look so sad nowadays?" I ask her.

Y/n has been really sad recently and I want to know why.

She doesn't talk as much as she used to and she didn't eat her breakfast this morning.

All of us are worried for her but when Bora asked last time she refused to tell her.

"It's nothing. Just missing home I guess..." She told me with a sigh.

Y/n is a really bad liar, you can tell she's lying when she looks away from you.

She looks sad enough and I don't want to pry so I left it alone.

"Alright, whatever you say. Just know that you can talk to me about it." I sighed.

She smiled and leaned against my side.

As much as I love her, I wish she wasn't this stubborn.

I hoped she would tell me what is wrong, then maybe, just maybe I could help her.

Everyone else was just about done so we got ready to go to our next activity.

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