Part 6.5 🌻

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Sorry everyone family problems have been a lot but here is the ling awaited chapter 6.5

As we walked I felt someone's eyes on me so I looked up to see that Nara was looking at me.

We made eye contact for a split second and she turned her head away to keep walking.

I wonder why everyone is being weird. I think they were always that way and I never noticed when Younghoon was alive.

I still don't want to hide that he died, I want to scream it out loud and tell the world how messed up this situation is.

The funniest thing though is that no one knows what's going on outside us three.

I was so close to being friends again with Younghoon like when we were kids I missed the friendship we had up until High-school but I failed to save him and missed the only chance to change everything.

I was standing the closest to him when it happened l, it was my fault I know it was and I still couldn't save him.

That's all I could think about and it's the only thing on my mind these past couple of days.

I sat on the side waiting for my turn.

I was so anxious about the rescue deadline for Younghoon.

I only have a few more days and I need to save him.

I have to or else I'll give up on everything.

Even in my past life, I could only save one friend and the rest of them died in the hands of a former friend who wanted revenge.

I need him in my life to survive this messed up world and if he dies I'll go insane.

No matter what, I will get him back no question. I have no idea what Dalnim meant by power or whatever but I would find a way to get him back.

At the shooting range*

Third Person POV*

It was finally y/n's turn to start shooting and so was Nara Kimchi and Bora's turn as well.

You passed Il-Ha who was trying to talk to you and started at your target, next to you Bora was very persistent in where she wanted her bullet to hit but was struggling to concentrate due to having a lot on her mind.

Nara wondered how she would do as she knew only a bit about target shooting but went at it anyway hitting the target almost perfectly every time.
To her right Kimchi was doing not so good at his station only hitting one bullet through the sheet.

Lee Chunho/ Mr. Lee-

Everyone finished their rounds and I asked them to come and sit together for a quick review.

I saw a few of them poking holes in their sheets trying to fake the amount of bullets that shot through the paper and sighed.

'This class is going to be the death of me.' I think to myself.

"You three in the back," I called the ones adding holes, "Give me a hundred push-ups."

As I watched them I moved on to the others and asked them to show the group how many they each shot.

From what I noticed, Yeon Bora, Lee Nara, and L/N Y/N were doing their best at the moment and had great aim.

"Have you all shot a gun before?" I asked surprised.

Nara and Bora said they have a few times and I stopped at that but Y/N didn't give a full answer.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lee, but I don't think I can tell you," Y/N said. I turned to her and asked," Why not?"

"I-I just-I'm sorry ok?! but I just can't..." She said projecting her voice and leaving the group.

I felt myself getting irritated as she didn't even try to explain why and stormed off.

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